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Category Archives: Remy hair

You’ll Love These 2017 Hair Trends!

RemySoft how to care for hair extensionsThe seasons are beginning to change, which can only mean one thing: it’s time to find new hairstyles! Now that spring has been here for several weeks, and you’ve settled on a quality hair care routine, you can start playing around with different styles. With so many hair trends happening this year, it can be tough to narrow down the ones that fit you perfectly. We are here to help narrow down your list to some of the most popular hair trends you’ll love for 2017.


Whether you like ribbons, bows, jewelry, hair bands, clips or anything else, it’s perfectly acceptable to be creative with your hairstyle. The great thing about accessories is you can always find one that works for any given day, even when you wake up with a bad hair day!

Top Knots

We’ve all thrown our hair up in a bun a time or two. Sometimes you just don’t have time to use your hair products for Remy hair or you just don’t have the energy to style it. This somewhat messy hairstyle is becoming widely accepted, which is good news for most of us.

Show Off Natural Roots

Keeping your natural root color can provide a neat appearance. Depending on the color of your natural roots and the color you choose to dye your hair, you could create a nice contrast. Some people even incorporate hair extensions to highlight the natural roots even further. If you decide to go that route as well, be sure you know how to care for hair extensions so you can make the most out of the hairstyle.

RemySoft hair products for remy hairSombre

The sombre hairstyle is quickly becoming one of the most popular in 2017. It provides a subtle two-tone effect from the roots all the way to the tips. When done properly, you can hardly tell where the colors start transitioning to a darker or lighter color.

Keep Your Hair Natural

Natural is becoming even more popular for various reasons. Some people choose to limit their product consumption in order to go with the au natural look. This works for some people, but most people still need to use hair products for Remy hair in order to prevent their hair from becoming a tangled mess.

These are just some of the best hair trends for 2017 that you could incorporate into your quality hair care regimen. Remysoft offers the best products to help you pull off the look you desire, so be sure to contact us to make your vision a reality.

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A Quick Guide to Caring for Your Permed Hair

RemySoft hydrating shampooSometimes you just need a overhaul of your hairstyle, which could mean a perm is in your near future. A perm is a great way to reshape your hair, whether your natural hairstyle is wavy, kinky, straight or curly. While perms are great for achieving a new hairstyle, you have to take good care of your hair even more than you normally do. The chemicals used in a perm can potentially damage your hair if you don’t have a quality hair care routine. Here are some tips for caring for your newly permed hair.

Let Your Permed Hair Settle

If you want to get the best results from your perm, leave your hair alone as much as possible. While it’s tempting to run your fingers through your newly curled hair, the chemicals used during the process need time in order to permanently hold the shape of your hair.

Keep your hair as loose as possible and refrain from washing it for at least a couple days after you get the perm. If you feel the need to style your hair, just gently run your fingers through it and don’t use a comb or brush right away.

Choose Special Hair Care Products

Permed hair needs more quality hair care than your normal hair. You could start by incorporating a good sulfate free shampoo and conditioner. These products will be much gentler on your hair, but you should still only wash it once a week for several weeks. If your hair seems to be drying out too much for whatever reason, you can incorporate a little bit of hydrating shampoo to restore some of the moisture.

Style and Touch Up Sensibly

When you get a perm, you shouldn’t have to style your hair very much since it has a naturally pleasing appearance already. If you still feel the need to, avoid brushing it as much as possible. Instead use a wide-tooth comb to comb through your hair gently so you don’t damage the individual strands. You should also remove heat products from your quality hair care routine after a perm. Heat from a blow dryer or curling iron could damage your permed hair.

Following these tips will help you make the most of your permed hair. Whether you need a quality sulfate free shampoo and conditioner, or you just need other styling tips, Remysoft is here to help. Be sure to contact us for help on making your permed hair look great for weeks, or even months!

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These Tips Will Help You Get Perfectly Straightened Hair!

Sometimes you just want to go out with perfectly straightened hair—but, sometimes, your hair just won’t cooperate and you’ll end up with a frizzy mess. One of the main tips we can offer to achieve perfectly straightened hair is to not rush the process. The conditions have to be right, and you need to be using the proper hair products for Remy hair to help you out as well. By following these tips, you’ll be able to reduce some of your frustration and be able to walk out of the house and come back home at the end of the day with straight hair.

1. Work With a Hot Straightener

Everyone sleeps late occasionally, which causes us to rush our hair care routine. However, if you’re going for a straightened hairstyle, you need to be patient and let the straightener get up to the proper temperature. If you try to straighten your hair while the straightener is in the process of heating up, you’ll end up with a frizzy mess. Repetitive movements with the straightener may seem like the solution, but you’re actually just making it worse.

2. Dry Your Hair Completely

When you wash your hair with the best sulfate free shampoo you have, be sure to let it dry completely before attempting to curl it. If you don’t have time to let it dry naturally, you can blow-dry it briefly to speed up the process. The blow-drying process doesn’t have to be perfect. All you’re looking for is to make sure your hair is completely dry.

3. Opt for the Brush Instead of the Comb

There are times when the comb is better than the brush, but straightening your hair isn’t one of them. The general rule is to use the comb when your hair is wet, but use a brush when it’s dry. If you comb your dry hair, you run the risk of creating static and causing split ends. No matter how much protective hair serum you use, you can’t make up for the disadvantages of using a comb versus a brush.

4. Work Slow and Steady

It’s worth mentioning again that you need to take your time to achieve perfectly straightened hair. Wash your hair with the best sulfate free shampoo, dry it however you would like and then work the straightener through slow and steady. If you rush the process, you might as well choose a different hairstyle for the day since you won’t achieve the straight look you’re aiming for.

At Remysoft, we not only offer the best hair products for Remy hair, but we also can provide you with some great hair care routine tips. If you’re constantly struggling with achieving straight hair with your straightener, be sure to contact us.

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Separating Fact From Fiction: Top Curly Hair Myths

If you have curly hair, consider yourself lucky! There are plenty of people out there who do anything to get their hair to curl. Of course, we understand people with naturally curly hair want to change their hairstyle occasionally, too. There are plenty of myths out there about people with curly hair, so we are here to help you dispel those myths and focus on the facts instead.

1. Curly Hair is Hard to Work With

The truth is any hair is difficult to work with if you don’t have the right products. Two people with naturally curly hair may have to use two different products because their hair type is different. You may need to incorporate a sulfate free shampoo and conditioner into your hair care routine, while others may just need to use a leave in conditioner once every few days. Once you find the hair product that works best for you, you shouldn’t have any problems working with it.

2. Curly Hair is Always Dry

Curly hair may appear to be dried out more than other hair types, but it’s because coiled hair doesn’t produce as many oils. It also just means you need to use a hydrating shampoo to moisturize it as much as possible. Curly hair will still produce oils naturally, but it just needs a little more help than other hair types. A sulfate free shampoo and conditioner is also a great way to go to avoid dry hair.

3. Curly Hair Grows Slower Than Other Types

The rate at which your hair grows depends on your diet, physical health, mental health, your quality hair care routine and genetics. Notice that hair type wasn’t included in that list. If you want your hair to grow longer and faster, you may have to change one or a few of the variables. We suggest starting with altering your hair care routine and trying different products to see how you can create healthier hair.

4. Curly Hair is Unprofessional

There are plenty different ways to style your curly hair. Now if you don’t use a sulfate free shampoo and conditioner and just let your curly hair become a tangled mess, then yes, your curly hair may look unprofessional. However, the general statement that all curly hair is unprofessional is simply not true.

At Remysoft, we offer only the best hair products to our clients with curly hair so they can dispel all the negative myths about their hair. Be sure to contact us at any time to learn more about which products may be right for you.

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Here Are a Few Tried and True Ways to Care for Your Curls

People with naturally curly hair either love or hate their curls. There is very rarely any middle ground when you talk to people with curly hair. Most of the time, caring for curls is fairly simple. If anyone complains about not being able to work with their curls, they are probably trying too hard. The key to a quality hair care routine for curly hair is to not do too much. Curls will do what they want many times, so just follow their lead and you’ll be much happier with your hairstyle. Here are a few great tips for caring for your curls.

Keep Your Hair Care Routine Simple

When you have natural curls, you don’t have to worry about doing too much with them to make them look great. A good quality hair care routine for curly hair is to keep it as simple as possible. Use a great sulfate free shampoo to wash your hair every couple of days, but you could also wash it less frequently than that. Let your hair air dry whenever you can to create the best results.

Embrace Your Curls

Curly hair is what you’ve got, so don’t try to make it something it’s not! Straightening your curls will only leave you frustrated since you likely won’t be able to achieve your desired look. People with curly hair sometimes don’t even need to use many hair care products. A simple hydrating shampoo is all some people use to keep the curls looking great!

Let Your Hair Determine The Style

Bad hair days happen, even for people with curly hair. You can try as hard as you want to make your hair do something, but sometimes it just won’t cooperate. Your quality hair care routine may have to be altered occasionally on these days, and that’s okay! If your curls aren’t as tight as you want them to be, don’t fight with them too much. Curly hair has a mind of its own sometimes. The advantage people with curly hair have is it’s much easier to hide flaws behind luscious curls.

At Remysoft, we understand the challenges of working with curls, and want to make it as easy as possible for you. Whether you need a good sulfate free shampoo or any other quality hair care products, be sure to contact us to make your curls look exactly how you want them to.

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Is It Really Worth It to Wash Your Hair Daily?

RemySoft best sulfate free shampooIt may seem natural to wash your hair every night after a long day. However, are there any real advantages to washing your hair that often? It’s hard to give a definite answer since everyone has different hair types. Most people will agree to use a sulfate free shampoo and conditioner to maintain healthy hair, but the frequency of the washing still comes into question. There are several different factors to consider when deciding how often to wash your hair, and many of those factors come down to personal preference.

Think About Your Desired Hairstyle

It’s widely known that slightly oily hair is easier to style than perfectly clean and washed hair. Hair with a little moisture is easier to work with, so that is one benefit to not washing your hair every day. Some people may be able to go several days or even up to a week without washing their hair, depending on the types of natural oils it produces. Adding some leave in conditioner will help you go even longer without washing.

Too Much Shampoo Can Remove Natural Oils

Natural oils are essential to having healthy hair. However, too much or too little oil isn’t always a good thing. When you wash your hair daily, you aren’t giving it time to replenish the natural oils. As a result, you’ll be working with dry and brittle hair with split ends.

We recommend washing your hair every 2-3 days with the best sulfate free shampoo you can find. You can increase or decrease the frequency of your hair washing after you see how it reacts. By washing your hair every other day at most, you’ll give it time to replenish the natural oils it needs to stay healthy.

Shampoo Causes Hair Color to Fade Quicker

If you have highlights or color in your hair, shampooing every day will make the color fade away more quickly. Even the best sulfate free shampoo and conditioner will eventually fade out your locks when you wash it every day. The best way you can preserve your desired color as long as possible is to reduce the frequency of your hair washing.

Who Needs to Wash Their Hair Daily?

People who have very oily hair should wash their hair daily with the best sulfate free shampoo no matter what. Also, if you sweat a lot during the day or are outside during humid times of the year, you may consider washing your hair every day.

There’s a fine line between washing your hair frequently for health reasons and washing it less frequently for styling purposes. At Remysoft, we are here to help you find the perfect balance so you can have healthy hair that looks exactly how you want it to. Feel free to contact us at any time for the perfect products to make your locks look stunning.

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Spring Is Here, and It’s Not Too Late to Prep Your Hair

RemySoft quality hair careWhen your hair comes out of a long winter, it probably doesn’t look how you want it to for the spring season. Even though spring is already here, there’s still time to get your hair spring-ready! Using a great sulfate free shampoo is a great place to start, but there are other options you should consider as well. The winter months take a toll on our bodies, and definitely our hair, so use these tips to get your hair back in shape.

Consider Your Diet for Healthy Hair

Eating foods that are rich in proteins, vitamins and trace elements can actually work wonders for your hair. Foods like strawberries, almonds and dairy products can all boost hair growth and appearance.

Also, you can use certain foods directly on your hair to maximize its appearance. Things like honey and coconut oil spread out on your hair can repair some of the damage brought on by the winter weather and prevent further damage. Consider adding these to your quality hair care routine!

Reduce The Frequency of Washing

The winter months bring dry atmospheres. Dry atmospheres can take a toll on your hair. While you’re prepping your hair for the spring, consider reducing the amount of times you wash your hair in a week. Skipping a washing will help the hair replenish the natural oils it needs to stay healthy. Of course, when you do wash your hair, be sure to grab a great sulfate free shampoo to help your hair even more.

Take a Break From Styling Products for a Few Weeks

When you’re getting your hair in shape for the spring, take a little break from using your hair products for Remy hair. Don’t fret, however; this hiatus only needs to last for a couple weeks. Those couple of weeks will be worth it when you have thick and shiny hair that can be styled however you want for the remainder of the spring and summer!

At Remysoft, we want to help you with your quality hair care routine as you transition from the winter months to the warmer spring and summer months. For more tips on how to prepare your hair now and going forward, feel free to contact us at any time.

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Spiky Hair is Back! Here’s How to Style Your Spikes

RemySoft quality hair careGreat news, guys! The spiky hairstyles you’ve long desired since ‘90s are back in style! After taking such a long hiatus, it’s time to re-teach yourself how to style those sharp spikes. However, before you do, you need to make sure you have the right haircut. The ideal hair length is anywhere from ½” to 2”, but you can easily grow it out a little bit longer and still get great results. When you let your stylist know your intention to create some slick spikes, they’ll know exactly what to do to set you up for success.

Gather The Right Products

There’s not a single magical product that can make the best spiky hairstyle. However, some of the best quality hair care products to use includes gels, wax and/or pomade. Using a good leave in conditioner is also ideal prior to spiking your hair, just to make sure it will be in the best shape possible before you start styling.

Don’t Overlook Details

The main consideration with styling spiky hair is the details. Once you use your product of choice to coat your hair thoroughly and lift it up, you just need to use your fingers to define the shape. Take your fingers and start at the base of the hair, then run them up to the tip to ensure the spike is completely coated with gel or wax. Do this one-by-one to ensure uniformity.

Some guys choose to use a protective hair serum to minimize hair damage, but it’s not a complete necessity in most cases. You could use a combination of hair gel and wax to further define each spike and detail them how you wish. If you accidentally coat your locks with too much gel or wax and it won’t dry in place, you can use a blow dryer to harden them more quickly.

Spikes With Long Hair?

While it’s easier to create a spiky hairstyle with short hair, don’t feel like you’re left out if you have long hair. Keep in mind we’re talking about hair no longer than about 3”, in most cases. Just use the same quality hair care routine as described above for short hair. However, you’ll likely need to incorporate some hair spray or protective hair serum due to the extra length. The only difficult part about long spiky hair is it takes a little more time to perfect.

At Remysoft, we have all the products guys need to achieve the spiky hairstyle they desire. Be sure to contact us for styling tips or to get the perfect quality hair care products.

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Is Air Drying Damaging Your Locks?

RemySoft great sulfate free shampooEveryone has heard of how blow drying damages hair. However, most people aren’t aware they could also be damaging their hair by air drying it. Of course, air drying is generally the best option if you have the time to let it dry on its own. However, you need to keep a few things in mind to ensure you minimize the damage as much as possible during the air drying process.

Avoid Hygral Fatigue

Hygral fatigue is when your hair has too much moisturizer or water in it. Your hair is like a rubber band; it expands and contracts when wet. The more this process happens, the harder it is for your hair to return to its original texture. With a great sulfate free shampoo, you’ll be able to minimize the amount of times you wash your hair, so it won’t have to get wet every night. The longer you leave your hair wet, the higher your chances are of inducing hygral fatigue.

Minimize The Damage as Much as Possible

Using the best hair products for Remy hair can help minimize damage. You can also take a few other steps. People with thicker hair could be damaging their hair more than people with thin hair, simply because the hair takes longer to air dry. Additionally, going to sleep with your hair wet is one of the worst things you can do, so avoid it as much as possible!

Use the Right Hair Products to Help Your Cause

Great quality hair care starts with being conscious of how your hair reacts to certain products or environments. If you notice your hair doesn’t react well to air drying, or it just takes too long to dry, consider using a great sulfate free shampoo instead of the product you’re currently using. Trial and error is necessary sometimes until you find what works best for your hair.

The bottom line is air drying is one of the best ways to dry your hair, but it still has the potential to damage it if you aren’t careful. At Remysoft, we offer the best hair products for Remy hair to help you keep your hair in the best shape, even if you air dry it frequently. Be sure to contact us for more tips or to find the right products for your hair.

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How to Tell Your Hair Type

RemySoft hair products for Remy hairMen generally have pretty simple hairstyles, even if some of them seem like they’d take a lot of time and effort to create. However, some guys try to pull off hairstyles that are virtually impossible because they don’t have the right hair type. Knowing what hair type you have will help you narrow down your options as far as the different hairstyles you can choose. There are four basic hair types for men, which we describe in detail below.

Straight Hair

Guys with straight hair have the advantage of being able to style and shape their hair more than other hair types. With the right hair products for Remy hair, you can create a nice faux hawk, spiked ‘do or even just a simple messy style. Straight hair won’t have any curls or bends to it, unless it gets really long, so you can generally do more with your hair as a result.

RemySoft sulfate free shampoo and conditionerCoiled Hair

This is different from curly hair, since the term “curly” can refer to each of coiled, wavy and kinky hair. Coiled hair forms with short and tight coils that can begin as short as a couple inches in length. If you aren’t sure if your hair is coiled, you probably don’t. This hair type is one of the most recognizable since it’s generally worn at a longer length. The only bad thing is it can be difficult to style and work with, even with the best quality hair care products.

Wavy Hair

Many guys feel wavy hair is the ideal hair type. You can work with it more and can style it for many different occasions, whether you’re going to the beach or a job interview. Wavy hair requires a good sulfate free shampoo and conditioner to help maintain its style and body.

Afro-Textured Hair

Afro-textured hair is the most delicate, and requires a lot of maintenance. There are a couple different types of hairstyles you can rock with afro-textured hair, including afros, cornrows and high top fades. Volume is the main characteristic of this hair type, and sometimes you don’t even need a sulfate free shampoo and conditioner to get maximum volume.

At RemySoft, we enjoy helping guys pick out different hairstyles based on their hair types. For more information about different hair types and what styles may work for you, be sure to contact us.

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