Sometimes you just want to go out with perfectly straightened hair—but, sometimes, your hair just won’t cooperate and you’ll end up with a frizzy mess. One of the main tips we can offer to achieve perfectly straightened hair is to not rush the process. The conditions have to be right, and you need to be using the proper hair products for Remy hair to help you out as well. By following these tips, you’ll be able to reduce some of your frustration and be able to walk out of the house and come back home at the end of the day with straight hair.

1. Work With a Hot Straightener

Everyone sleeps late occasionally, which causes us to rush our hair care routine. However, if you’re going for a straightened hairstyle, you need to be patient and let the straightener get up to the proper temperature. If you try to straighten your hair while the straightener is in the process of heating up, you’ll end up with a frizzy mess. Repetitive movements with the straightener may seem like the solution, but you’re actually just making it worse.

2. Dry Your Hair Completely

When you wash your hair with the best sulfate free shampoo you have, be sure to let it dry completely before attempting to curl it. If you don’t have time to let it dry naturally, you can blow-dry it briefly to speed up the process. The blow-drying process doesn’t have to be perfect. All you’re looking for is to make sure your hair is completely dry.

3. Opt for the Brush Instead of the Comb

There are times when the comb is better than the brush, but straightening your hair isn’t one of them. The general rule is to use the comb when your hair is wet, but use a brush when it’s dry. If you comb your dry hair, you run the risk of creating static and causing split ends. No matter how much protective hair serum you use, you can’t make up for the disadvantages of using a comb versus a brush.

4. Work Slow and Steady

It’s worth mentioning again that you need to take your time to achieve perfectly straightened hair. Wash your hair with the best sulfate free shampoo, dry it however you would like and then work the straightener through slow and steady. If you rush the process, you might as well choose a different hairstyle for the day since you won’t achieve the straight look you’re aiming for.

At Remysoft, we not only offer the best hair products for Remy hair, but we also can provide you with some great hair care routine tips. If you’re constantly struggling with achieving straight hair with your straightener, be sure to contact us.