The cold weather is coming to an end, and it’s time to start preparing your hair for the warm spring months. A lot of the habits you maintained during the wintertime need to change now, since different weather means different hair care. By combining a little effort and the best quality hair care products, you won’t have any problem caring for your hair this spring. Here are some of our best tips for ensuring you have the best-looking hair this spring.

Trim Off Dead Ends

Just like with your home, you need to do some spring cleaning with your hair. Take a trip to the salon and trim off the unsightly dead ends that developed during the winter. It’s likely the cold air was rough on your hair, no matter how many quality hair care products you used. No need to get a drastic haircut to start the spring, but just enough to freshen up and make your hair look and feel healthy.

Use The Proper Shampoo

Once your locks are trimmed, it’s time to start thinking about your regular products. Find the best sulfate free shampoo and use it routinely
this spring. You’ll need to move away from the moisturizing shampoo you’ve been using for the dry winter air. Spring air is more humid, meaning a hydrating shampoo will add more moisture to your hair than it needs and lead to a frizzy mess. With a quality sulfate free shampoo, RemySoft quality hair careyou’ll be able to eliminate some frizz and ensure your hair is ready for the humid air this spring.

Protect From The Sun

Springtime means being in the outdoors at events, parks or just hanging out at your house. Even if the temperatures aren’t extreme yet, you still need sun protection for hair. Not only could the sun damage your hair, but it could also bleach it if you’re outdoors for a substantial amount of time. Give your hair a break from the sun occasionally, but at the very least, incorporate a protective serum in your daily hair care routine.

Spring is one of the best seasons since temperatures start rising. You don’t want to ruin it by not taking care of your hair. Be sure to contact us for more tips about how to take care of your hair this spring.