Stringy hair can seem impossible to make look great. If you wake up in the morning with dull, lifeless and limp strands, it may be time to think about switching up your quality hair care routine. No matter how long you’ve battled your stringy hair, the right hair care products and techniques can get it back on track in the matter of a few days sometimes. Here are some tips to consider to eliminate stringy hair.
Trim Your Split Ends
Split ends are inevitable and the only way you can deal with them is to trim them off. Split ends give the appearance of dry hair and make virtually every hairstyle difficult to accomplish. Leaving them for too long means they will continue splitting toward the roots and further damage your healthy hair. Getting on a regular trimming schedule, which usually doesn’t have to be more than once every three months, can make sure split ends don’t turn into constant stringy hair.
Reduce The Heat On Styling Tools
Curling irons and hair straighteners are amazing tools to style your hair, but they can also cause damage if you aren’t careful. And believe it or not, scorching hot water in the shower can have a similar impact on your hair and potentially lead to dry hair. The easiest way to deal with these issues is to turn down the heat on your styling tools as much as possible or don’t use them at all.
Switch To A Silk Pillowcase
If your hair looks like a stringy mess every morning no matter what you’ve tried, it could be that your pillowcase is causing the problem. Cotton pillowcases are soft and comfortable, but they also can cause dry hair by absorbing the oils from your strands. The cotton material also holds onto the hair strands as you move around throughout the night, which creates a tangled mess in the morning. Silk pillowcases won’t do either of these, so there’s a much better chance of you waking up with your hair looking close to what it did when you went to sleep.
Hair Extensions Can Hide Stringy Hair
Clipping in hair extensions may be your go-to solution for hiding stringy hair as you adjust your quality hair care routine to create a permanent solution. And as an added bonus, hair extensions also add volume so you can have more styling options that look amazing. It’s good to have hair extensions in your hair care collections for various reasons and this is just another one of those reasons.
At RemySoft, we know the struggles you’re going through if you have stringy hair. Before you go to a professional stylist and spend a lot of money on expensive hair care products, consider giving these tips a try. Many times these slight alterations to your quality hair care routine will provide quick results and make it easier for you to continue. If you have any questions or need tips specifically for your hair, feel free to contact us at any time.