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Dry Hair? Not a Problem

A person’s hair can become dry for many reasons. Washing it too much, using harsh hair products and not having a balanced diet can all lead to dry and brittle hair. The good news is it’s usually simple to identify the reason why your hair may not be as hydrated as it needs to be. And it’s even simpler to alter your hair care routine to get it back to normal. Here are some tips to improve your dry hair.

Choose Your Shampoo Wisely

Some shampoos are designed for people with dry hair. This could be a quality hydrating shampoo, and it’s definitely a shampoo free of sulfates. Shampoos with sulfates can strip the natural oils in your hair more harshly than others, so it’s best to avoid those. And the more moisture you can put into your hair when you wash it, the better off it will be. Switch to a hydrating shampoo and see if you notice any results over the course of a few weeks.

hydrating shampooTake Cooler Showers

Hot water on the hair can cause it to swell and release some of the moisture in it. So while you think you are helping your hair, you may actually be hurting it if the water temperature is too hot. Try turning down the temperature just a bit and finish your hair-washing routine off with a rinse of cold water to trap the moisture back in the hair strands.

Alter Your Hair-Washing Schedule

It’s tempting to wash your hair with a hydrating shampoo every day with the intent of putting moisture back in it. But the nature of washing your hair will strip the oils from it, so it’s best to skip a day or two occasionally. After day two or three without washing your hair, you should see noticeable differences. Everyone’s hair is different, so you may have to experiment with your hair-washing schedule to see what works best to bring out the natural glow of your hair.

Be Conscious of The Elements

The outside elements you expose yourself to can lead to dry hair as well. Wind and sun are two of the most common elements that can dry out your hair quickly. Protect it as much as possible by wearing a hat when you know you’ll be out in the elements for an extended period of time. Also be sure to carry around some hair products for Remy hair to protect it throughout the day.

RemySoft knows how frustrating it can be dealing with dry hair on a daily basis. It definitely takes a little patience to get your hair back to normal, but the results are well worth the effort you put forth. Whether it’s incorporating new hair products for Remy hair or making a simple adjustment to your hair-washing schedule, you’re likely just a couple steps away from eliminating your dry hair. Don’t hesitate to contact us at any time for more tips on managing your hair.

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3 Tips to Maintain Shiny Long Hair

Whether you love or hate your long hair, you have to maintain it in order for it to look great. Long hair is typically easier to damage, but with the right hair products for Remy hair and a consistent hair care routine, having shiny long hair every day is simple. In fact, sometimes the simpler your routine is, the better off your hair will be. If you’re struggling with making your long hair look as shiny and flawless as you’d like, here are a few tips to help you out.

Use The Right Shampoo And Conditioner

When it’s time to wash your hair, the only product you should consider is a sulfate free shampoo. Using a shampoo with sulfates can damage your hair and leave it looking dull and lifeless. But even when you use a quality sulfate free shampoo, you shouldn’t wash your hair every day. Washing too often will strip the hair of its natural oils and take away its shine as a result. When you’re in between hair washing days, consider incorporating a great leave-in conditioner. This is one of the most underrated products for maintaining shiny hair, especially long hair.

sulfate free shampooGet A Regular Trim

Not only will getting a regular trim keep your long hair looking neat, it will also keep it healthy. All hair will develop split ends after several weeks, so getting it trimmed consistently will ensure you always have flawless long hair. And contrary to popular belief, trimming your hair frequently does not cause it to grow faster, so you won’t have to worry about your hair growing out of control.

Don’t Overuse Hair Products

When you’re struggling with maintaining the shine in your long hair, it’s tempting to use a combination of hair products to try to figure out how to fix it. The reality is you may be causing more harm than good. You should only use a couple of hair products for Remy hair on a regular basis. The more products you incorporate, the more it will build up on your hair and leave it looking heavy and flat. Keep it simple with the products you use and only use them when they are absolutely necessary.

RemySoft takes great pride in helping everyone have the shiny long hair they desire. We understand the daily challenges of maintaining long hair, and we are here to suggest the perfect hair products for Remy hair to make your hair care routine simple and easy. Sometimes all it takes is incorporating a leave-in conditioner to make a world of difference. Feel free to contact us at any time to tell us about your hair and to get tips on how to best maintain it.

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The Perfect Hairstyles for Men with Long Faces

Guys who sometimes struggle with finding the right hairstyle that looks good on them simply may be choosing the wrong ones based on their face shape. Just like you should dress according to your body type, you should also style your hair based on the shape of your face. Men with long faces particularly have challenges when choosing hairstyles, since they don’t want to make their face look even longer. With the right hair products for Remy hair and a little experimentation, the perfect hairstyle isn’t out of reach. Here are some perfect hairstyles to try out if you’re a man with a long face.

quality hair careSlicked Back and Textured

Slicking back the hair on top and on the sides can make your face look wider and take away the appearance of the length a bit. But the main secret is incorporating texture to your hair rather than keeping it flat and straight. You may have to use some hair products for Remy hair to achieve this, depending on whether your hair is naturally wavy or not.

Simple Side Part

A side part acts similarly to the slicked back textured look, since it widens the face rather than lengthening it. It’s one of the classiest and most professional looks you can go with, and it’s super simple to accomplish. Use a quality hydrating shampoo when you take a shower to ensure your hair is healthy enough to be slicked back without getting damaged. Then you can just let the natural shine come out when you part it to the side.

Layered Bangs

Many men with long faces opt for growing out their bangs, since it covers up some of their face and gives it the illusion of being shorter. But having flat and lifeless bangs isn’t attractive, so incorporating some layers will make it more appealing. It doesn’t take a great deal of effort to create layered bangs, but a simple alteration in your quality hair care routine will usually do the trick.

Traditional Buzz Cut

When all else fails, go with a simple and traditional buzz cut to round off your long face. Including some facial hair with the buzz cut will help round it off as well, and you can make it as thick as you desire. Men who don’t necessarily want to stick with a strict quality hair care routine, but also don’t want to highlight their long face, will often go for this look since it’s effortless and accomplishes what they are aiming for.

RemySoft is here to help men find the perfect hairstyles, no matter what their face shape is. If you are constantly trying to style your hair one way and it just doesn’t look right, it could be because you don’t have the face shape to support it. We’ve seen it all in this regard, so never hesitate to contact us for some tips to consider to help you find the perfect hairstyle.

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How to Blend in Hair Extensions with Thin Hair

Having thin hair presents many benefits as well as challenges. One of the challenges you may experience is how to incorporate hair extensions without making it look obvious you have them. Many ladies with thin hair say they have the hardest time hiding the clips since they don’t have thick enough hair to cover them up. Others say the extensions pull and tug their hair because there’s not enough hair to create a strong base to clip to. We’ve addressed these concerns and more so you can blend in your hair extensions flawlessly with your thin hair.

Create A Strong Base For The Weft

The clips on your hair extensions need a strong base to hold on to. The most effective way to do this is to spray a little bit of hairspray at the roots where you’ll be clipping the weft. Then tease that section of hair a bit and the hair will be firmer for the hair extensions to clip to. Doing this will prevent the extensions from tugging your hair throughout the day, which is what many ladies with thin hair don’t like most about wearing them.

hair extensionsClip The Extensions Below The Eyebrow Line

Hiding the clip of your hair extensions can present some challenges with thin hair. The best thing to do is find the area on your head with the thickest hair. This can usually be found by drawing an imaginary line starting from your eyebrows and going around the the back of your head. Any area slightly below that line is typically the ideal spot to clip in your extensions.

Tease Your Hair To Increase Volume

Once the hair extensions are clipped in and hidden, the next step in your quality hair care routine is to tease the hair to make the natural hair blend with the extensions. Without doing this step, it could be noticeable you’re wearing extensions due to the added length at the bottom. A quick tease of the hair will make your entire hairdo look even and voluminous.

Layer and Style

At this point, you can get as creative as you’d like. If you want to add layers, go for it. If you just want to experiment with different hair products for Remy hair and create different hairstyles, you have plenty of options. The great thing about hair extensions is they look great whether you want to wear them straight, curled, wavy or even more creative. The level of creativity is up to you.

RemySoft understands the difficulties of using hair extensions when you have thin hair, but we’ve got you covered with all the best tips and hair products for Remy hair to make it easy. Hair extensions give you many more styling options, so it’s well worth the time to experiment with them to find the style you desire. For more tips like this, don’t hesitate to contact us at any time.

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3 Quick Travel Hairstyles Done in Minutes

Whether you’re traveling for business or pleasure, extra time generally isn’t available in large amounts. When you’re on a business trip, you may have a full schedule and simply don’t have time to style your hair. If you’re on vacation, you may not want to spend a lot of time on your hair, but know you have to at least style it a little bit. Regardless of the situation, having some hair extensions and various hair products for Remy hair can help you create a quick hairstyle to get your day started with very little effort. Here are the top three travel hairstyles you can accomplish in minutes.

The Twisted Ponytail

Putting a twist on a traditional ponytail will make it look like you’ve spent a while on your hairstyle because of how great it looks. It all starts with creating two French twists with your hair. When you have these twists tied up, pull your remaining hair back into a normal ponytail. Then simply tie each twist around your head and into the ponytail and you’re done in a matter of a few minutes. This is a perfect hairstyle for vacations or if you’re traveling for a casual event.

hair extensionsQuick Loose Curls

Loose curls create the perfect wavy hairstyle that’s perfect for almost any occasion. This is where your hair extensions enter the picture. Once the extensions are clipped in, simply curl the hair in sections for a few seconds each time. When all sections are curled, break up the curls with your fingers to loosen them up and you’re ready to start your day. If needed, you can add some hair products for Remy hair to help the loose curls hold their shape.

Double-Sided Dutch Braid

The double-sided Dutch braid is one of those hairstyles that looks like you’ve spent hours on, but it literally takes minutes to achieve. Use your sulfate free shampoo the night before to ensure your hair is protected, and then the next morning you can create this hairstyle. Start with a deep side part and then Dutch braid the hair. You can make the braids as loose or as tight as you’d like, and adding hair extensions can make the overall hairstyle look even better. Once your braids are complete, simply tie them off and you’re ready to go.

At RemySoft, we believe some of the best hairstyles are the ones that are the quickest to achieve. Sometimes you just need the right hair products for Remy hair, while some people are simply lucky enough to wake up in the morning with perfect hair. We all get too busy to style our hair sometimes, so keep these hairstyles in mind for the next time you find yourself in a similar situation. And if you ever have any questions or need more hair care tips, contact us at any time.

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3 Hairstyles for Lazy Days

There are times when we feel like creating a magnificent hairstyle and have all the patience in the world to do so. Other times all you want to do is stay in bed until the last minute and don’t necessarily care what your hair looks like. When you’re having one of those inevitable lazy days, your hair doesn’t have to suffer tremendously. Sometimes simply clipping in hair extensions will cover up some flaws, and other situations may lead to you simply pulling your hair up into a ponytail. Regardless of how you’re feeling any given day, here are three lazy day hairstyles to consider to help you get through the day when you lack motivation for styling your hair.

hydrating shampooLow Bun

The low bun literally takes a few seconds to do, since it doesn’t require straightening or a significant amount of quality hair care products. In fact, the entire purpose of this hairstyle is to appear messy, but still look like you didn’t just roll out of bed and go to work. You can make the low bun as messy or as clean as you’d like by pulling out hair strands from the bun, or making it tighter or looser as a whole. Throw in some simple jewelry and you’ll be ready to head out the door within minutes upon getting out of bed.

High Ponytail

We aren’t making any breakthrough discoveries here by telling you the high ponytail is the ultimate lazy day hairstyle. This is the go-to hairstyle for any lazy day, but have you ever added in hair extensions to go with it? Hair extensions will add both length and volume to your ponytail, which makes it look like you spent a lot more time on it than you actually did. This is just another good reason why it’s always handy to have hair extensions available, since you never know when they’ll come into good use.

Down With Accessories

If you’re lucky enough to have straight hair without having to spend a lot of time straightening it, then you may not have any issues with finding a lazy day hairstyle. But if you want to spice up your hairstyle while still wearing it down, consider incorporating a hair band or other accessories. Drawing some attention to the accessories you use is a great way to hide any flaws in your hair, especially if your lazy hair day is combined with a bad hair day.

RemySoft understands everyone has to have a lazy hair day every now and then. It’s much easier to still have your hair looking great on a lazy day when you have healthy hair. By using a quality hydrating shampoo often and maintaining an overall good hair care routine, lazy hair days are no big deal. If there’s ever anything we can do to help with your hairstyle by providing tips or the right products for you, don’t hesitate to contact us at any time.

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Make a Statement with Bangs this Fall

Your options are endless when it comes to fall hairstyles. However, most people choose to just make subtle changes rather than drastically altering their appearance. These subtle changes can come in the form of changing up the bangs slightly. One of the biggest keys to having great looking bangs is to ensure they hold in place. The perfect combination of sulfate free shampoo and conditioner, protective hair serum and other quality products can help you pull off any style. Here are some great options to consider to make a statement with your bangs this fall.

Textured And Uneven

Who said bangs have to be perfectly straight across your forehead? Sometimes the uneven, messy and textured look can be more stylish than a clean-cut look. Using the right hair products for Remy hair is the secret to pulling off these bangs, since they will make the texture appear to be intentional rather than looking like you’re having a lazy hair day.


Side-swept bangs are getting more popular every day for good reasons. Not only do the sweeping bangs look amazing, but it also highlights more of your facial features. And the great part about having side-swept bangs is you can virtually incorporate any hairstyle you’d like. Wavy hair, straight hair, long hair, short hair or even ponytails and buns will look great with side-swept bangs.


If you have naturally curly hair, then you owe it to yourself to give bangs a try if you haven’t already. Make sure to use a sulfate free shampoo and conditioner before styling your hair in order to keep the curls tight and prevent frizziness. And if needed, incorporate moisturizing hair products for Remy hair to ensure the curls maintain their hold throughout the day.


Jagged bangs work great with both long and short hair. This style takes a little time and effort since each hair strand needs to be in the perfect position to pull off the look. The bangs will appear asymmetrical due to the nature of the jaggedness, but it’s the organized chaos that makes this style unique.

protective hair serumParted

Parted bangs are also known as curtain bangs, since there’s a gap right in the middle of them. If you have straight and sleek hair and can’t figure out what you want to do differently with your bangs, then parting them is a great option to try. It’s easy to pull off and if you don’t like them for any reason, you don’t have to spend a lot of time fixing it.

RemySoft offers only the best hair products for Remy hair, so you won’t have to search very long for your next great hairstyle. And along with our products, we also offer helpful tips and tricks to make your hairstyling experience better than you ever imagined. Whether you’re looking to make subtle or drastic changes to your hair this fall, reach out to us and we can lead you down the right path.

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Is Your Hair Color Ready for Fall?

Summer has drawn to a close, which can mean many different things for your hair. You may have gone with a lighter color for the summer and now want to go with a darker tone for the fall. Or you may want to change up the style drastically. Either way, the change in seasons is a perfect time to consider new options. And with the right hair products for Remy hair, you can maintain your new color or style throughout the fall months. Here are the top hair colors you don’t want to miss this fall.

Orange Ombre

If you’re ready to step out of your comfort zone and get into the spirit of fall, then the orange ombre hairstyle may be perfect for you. The great thing about the ombre style is you don’t have to make a drastic change and have completely orange hair. You can play around with the shade of orange you go with, and the faded color down to the tips of the hair can make the change seem less drastic. Just be sure to use the hair products for Remy hair designed to maintain the color so it always looks great.

Strawberry Blonde

The strawberry blonde hair color is one of the most popular fall styles, as almost anyone can pull it off. It’s not too light or dark, and your stylist can tweak the color to customize it to your liking. Since the strawberry blonde isn’t a drastic color, people like to start out with it at the beginning of the fall since it creates more of a subtle transition that fits right in with your usual quality hair care routine.

Brunette With Highlights

The standard brunette color can be a major change if you have a lighter hair color. But if you’re already a brunette and don’t necessarily want to go all blonde, consider incorporating highlights. There are plenty of warm highlight colors to add a subtle change to your hair without drawing a lot of attention to it. Just be sure to use the best sulfate free shampoo you can find to ensure the highlights maintain their color for as long as possible and don’t fade quickly.

best sulfate free shampooCaramel

Not sure whether you want to go more blonde or brunette this fall? Caramel may be the best option for an in-between color for you. You could make your entire hair color caramel, or just add in some caramel highlights. Either way, this color isn’t too light or too dark and often provides the perfect transition for people who aren’t quite ready to make drastic changes to their hair color.

RemySoft is your one-stop shop for all the hair products for Remy hair you will ever need. We know exactly what products to use for any hairstyle or color. Fall is the perfect time to experiment with different options, so take advantage of it. And never hesitate to contact us if you have any questions or need some hair care tips.

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Our Step-by-Step Guide to Perfectly Straighten Hair at Home

We’ve all struggled with finding the perfect technique to achieve the straightest hair possible. One thing many people don’t realize is your straightening technique sometimes needs to be altered depending on whether you have curly hair, straight hair or slightly wavy hair. Minor alterations to your quality hair care routine may be needed, but the results will be well worth it. Here are simple tips to ensure you’re on the right track to achieving perfectly straight hair from the comfort of your home.

Dry Your Hair Thoroughly

To have the healthiest hair possible, you should wash it with a great sulfate free shampoo at least 2-3 times per week. And when you get out of the shower, the most important step in the hair straightening process is working with completely dry hair. Even having slightly damp hair won’t give you the results you desire. If your hair is naturally curly, you should use a quality blow dryer to get as many knots out as you can while it’s drying. If you have naturally straight hair, you may be able to get away with allowing your hair to air dry, depending on the amount of time you have.

great sulfate free shampooProtect Your Hair From The Heat

Hair can get damaged over time if you use a straightening iron often. Using hair products for Remy hair designed to protect your hair from heat damage is ideal. You can apply these products after you’ve dried your hair completely in order to prevent damage to your hair and ensure long-lasting results.

Combine A Fine-Tooth Comb With Your Straightener

Many people run a fine-tooth comb through their hair first and let the straightener follow behind it. This helps to ensure every strand of hair gets touched, and could also reduce the amount of times you have to run the straightening iron over it. Incorporating a fine-tooth comb with your straightener is a secret quality hair care step many people overlook, but should always do for best results.

Be Consistent When Straightening

As with anything related to your hair, it’s important to have a consistent quality hair care routine when you’re trying to have perfectly straight hair. That means being consistent with every pass with the straightener, every hair washing session with your great sulfate free shampoo and more. Of course, you may have to experiment for a little while to see what works best for your hair. But once you find it, stick with it.

RemySoft loves talking to people who love their hair. We all envy people with naturally straight hair who rarely have to do any work to achieve it. But when you follow these steps and use the right hair products for Remy hair, you will wow everyone around you with your straight hair. Be sure to contact us for more tips and tricks like this to help you achieve the appearance you’ve always longed for with your hair.

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How to Achieve the Ultimate Shiny Hair

One of the biggest mistakes people make when trying to get shiny hair is using too many products. Some people are lucky enough to have naturally healthy hair that has a natural glow to it, but other people have to use the right amount of hair products for Remy hair to achieve the same results. The good news is you don’t have to change up your routine much to add some shine to your hair. Here are some of the most effective tips to instantly have shiny hair.

sulfate free shampooAlways Protect Your Hair

Protecting your hair from the outdoors and other elements is an underrated aspect of achieving shiny hair. Moisture is one of the harshest elements for hair and can strip the shine right out of it. To combat this, a quality leave in conditioner may do the trick. Using hair products like this to provide the hair with the moisture it needs to remain shiny will prevent it from drying out and getting frizzy.

Don’t Overuse Products

It’s tempting to continue piling on products in hopes that your hair will retain some moisture and restore its shine. However, once it reaches a certain point, your hair could turn into a greasy mess. A good quality sulfate free shampoo and leave in conditioner combination is often all you need to have the best shine. But if that doesn’t do the trick, then there are plenty of other hair products for Remy hair to experiment with. Just don’t use too many at once.

Skip A Hair Wash Occasionally

Washing your hair too often will strip the natural oils from it. You may be thinking your hair will look greasy if you don’t wash it with a sulfate free shampoo every day, but you’re actually keeping it healthy by skipping a wash. Your glands will work to produce more oils immediately after the oils are stripped, so the more you wash, the harder the glands will work. Skipping a day or two every now and then is good for your hair, and you may be surprised at the shiny results.

Manage Your Diet

We’ve all heard the phrase, “you are what you eat.” The same is true when talking about your hair. For the healthiest and shiniest hair, your body needs a balanced diet with the right amount of protein. So if you’ve struggled with getting your hair to look like you want it despite using numerous combinations of products, consider altering your diet for a few weeks and you may notice positive changes in your hair.

RemySoft thinks everyone deserves to have sleek and shiny hair if it’s something they want to achieve. Too many people give up trying to get their hair to look a certain way, and we are here to help. We understand how frustrating it can be sometimes, but we have the right hair products for Remy hair, along with years of expertise, to help you have the locks you’ve always wanted. Don’t hesitate to give us a call and we will offer some guidance to transform your hair to the shiniest hair you’ve ever had.

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