When your hair is constantly breaking, it can seem impossible to style it how you want to. Not only is this frustrating, but it could also be concerning if there’s an underlying issue needing to be addressed. The good news is most of the time hair breakage is just a sign of your hair needing more nutrients. When you have dry hair, it becomes more brittle and prone to breaking. Simple changes are likely all you need to make to your quality hair care routine, but let’s take a look at the proper ways to address hair breakage.

quality hair careUnderstanding Why Your Hair Breaks

Some people are more prone to having weak hair due to genetics, and there’s not much you can do about it. However, some of the other common reasons why your hair could break include:

  • Using heat tools too often
  • Dyeing your hair too much
  • Not washing your hair after exposing it to chemicals, like those found in swimming pools
  • Styling your hair improperly

Heat tools used for styling are convenient and create great results. However, they are the number one culprit in creating weak hair strands. It’s important to take preventative measures when using these tools to better protect the hair.

Steps To Prevent Hair Breakage

Making simple alterations to your quality hair care routine, like applying a protective hair serum before using heat styling tools, will go a long way in maintaining strong hair. Also, scaling back on the frequency of using the heat tools will give your hair a little break and help it stay stronger longer.

Possibly the most common reason why people experience hair breakage is when they brush it while it’s wet. After using your sulfate free shampoo in the shower, allow your hair to air dry as long as you can. If needed, use a blow dryer on the coolest setting to let it dry slowly. Once you have completely dry hair, then you can run a brush through it gently to remove any tangles without breaking the hair.

Give Your Hair The Nutrients Needed To Be Strong

Your hair needs the right nutrients to remain strong and healthy. If you notice your hair breaking more often, try switching up your diet and incorporating more protein into it. And always be sure to stay hydrated, as your hair benefits greatly from a well-hydrated body. You may not notice significant changes in your hair right away, but if you stick with a more well-balanced diet and focus on hydration, your hair will slowly become stronger.

RemySoft not only wants you to have the best looking hair possible, but we also want you to maintain healthy hair in the process. Using a sulfate free shampoo will help prevent dry hair, since it won’t strip away the natural oils from the hair as harshly. If you constantly struggle with dry hair, start by making minor adjustments to your hair care routine over time and you’ll be on your way to having stronger hair. And never hesitate to contact us if you have any questions or need advice for your hair.