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The Ultimate Guide to Tame Flyaways

Out of all the possible annoyances styling your hair brings, a flyaway that refuses to stay down has to be near the top of the list. Most of us have fought one of these battles before, and you’re not alone if you lost it and had to alter your hairstyle for the day to cover it up. Sometimes you can use multiple hair products for Remy hair to no avail, but don’t give up hope yet! Here’s a quick guide and a few suggestions for taming your flyaways you may not have tried yet.

sulfate free shampooChange Your Shampoo

Most of the time you’ll notice flyaways after the hair has been dried and you’re beginning to style it. At that point it’s sometimes too late and you’ll have to resort to trying to hide them. Instead, minimize your chances of discovering a flyaway by changing to a sulfate free shampoo. A good quality sulfate shampoo will cleanse the hair and leave just enough oils and moisture in it to prevent frizzy and dry hair, which are some of the main causes of flyaways.

Air Dry Your Hair If Possible

If you’ve gotten into the habit of grabbing a towel and rubbing your hair to dry it quickly, you may be contributing to the annoying flyaways you’re experiencing. The fibers from the towel can create frizziness, so opt for air drying instead. You can speed up the process by dabbing your hair with a cotton shirt so it can get a jump start air drying. Then once you have dry hair, there’s a better chance you won’t see any flyaways.

Be Careful With Dry Hair

You likely are well aware if you have dry hair or not. One bad habit many people with dry hair have is grabbing their hair brush and running it through the hair when they see a tangle. This may get the tangle out, but it could also lead to flyaways because of the increased friction created in the hair. To avoid the flyaways and still get similar positive results, use a wide-tooth comb on damp hair since it will create less friction and decrease the chances of frizziness occurring.

Skip The Heat Styling Tools

Even if you use the best sulfate free shampoo you can find, heat styling tools will always increase the chances of experiencing flyaways. A blow dryer is the main culprit, but a flat iron is up there as well. Try skipping these tools and opting for hair products for Remy hair designed to tame frizziness instead.

At RemySoft, we know there aren’t many things more frustrating than dealing with flyaways. A perfect hairstyle can be ruined because of them, and it can put a damper on your entire day. There isn’t a single cure-all solution for flyaways, but these tips should give you a starting point to see what technique works best for you. If you have any questions about any of these processes, feel free to contact us at any time.

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The Best Ways to Manage Split Ends

When you’re dealing with split ends, it can seem impossible to find a hairstyle that looks great. We understand exactly what you’re going through, but the good news is there are different ways you can make your split ends manageable. Sometimes it takes a switch in your shampoo, using a different comb or even changing some of the hair products for Remy hair you currently use. Check out these tips to help you deal with your split ends.

Switch To Sulfate Free Shampoo And Conditioner

Everyone should use a sulfate free shampoo and conditioner, but it’s especially important to do so when you have damaged and dry hair. Split ends are inevitable with damaged hair but a quality sulfate free shampoo and conditioner can prevent them from occurring. Doing so will add in moisture to your hair, while keeping the oils that naturally develop on the hair to protect it and prevent it from drying out.

Add Moisture To Your Hair

If you constantly have dry hair, then taking the extra step of adding moisture to it will help tremendously. You don’t necessarily have to go over the top with moisturizing products, but making it a point to incorporate them in your hair care routine will go a long way in preventing and managing split ends. Once you trim your split ends, your hair will thank you for the continued use of moisturizing products and the chances of them coming back are much smaller.

Use A Wide-Tooth Comb To Brush Through The Hair

dry hairBelieve it or not, you could actually be creating more split ends by the way you brush your hair. It seems natural and normal to brush your hair right after getting out of the shower, but the truth is brushing wet hair can cause more harm than good since it gets damaged easier. Instead, use a wide-tooth comb to brush through the hair and let it air dry a bit before taking this step. When your hair is damp, a wide-tooth comb is gentle enough to get out any tangles without damaging your hair and causing split ends.

Select Your Hair Products Wisely

While there are plenty of hair products for Remy hair to help keep yours healthy, there isn’t a single product designed to eliminate split ends. Instead, you have to use a collection of hair products to manage them and prevent any further damage. Most of the time this just means using hydrating products free of sulfates, along with altering your hair care routine as needed.

At RemySoft, we understand the struggles you’re going through with managing your split ends. Sometimes you just have to get them trimmed, but establishing a great hair care routine prior to the trim can set you up for great success with your hair afterward. Just because you have dry hair now doesn’t mean you always have to have it, so contact us to see what we can do to help you manage and prevent your split ends.

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Is There a Right and Wrong Way to Air Dry Your Hair?

There’s always going to be a debate about which technique is better: air drying or blow drying hair. Both techniques have advantages and disadvantages, but when it comes to keeping your hair healthy and free from potential damage, air drying is the way to go. This is especially true if you wear hair extensions frequently, which can damage much easier. Whether you’ve been air drying your hair for a while or are going to give it a shot for the first time, here are the steps to take to ensure you achieve the best results.

Squeeze Out Water And Apply Hair Serum

Squeezing out as much water from your hair as you can before you get out of the shower will speed up the drying process tremendously. Many people make the mistake of just squeezing out the water and then not touching their hair until it dries. The problem with this is you may experience some frizziness you didn’t expect. One of the best ways to combat this unwanted frizz is to apply a hair serum, like a leave in conditioner, as soon as you squeeze out the excess water. This will help keep your hair tame as it slowly air dries.

Opt For Patting Dry Instead of Rubbing

Patting your hair dry may seem ineffective and not nearly as effective as rubbing it with a towel, but it’s the key to getting the best results. Rubbing the hair with a towel can create an excessive amount of frizz, as well as damage the strands. When you pat the hair, use a softer towel than you would for drying off your body normally. Then wrap it up and let it dry as long as you need to.

hair products for remy hairDetangle and Style

Once you let down your hair, detangle it by using a wide-tooth comb and brushing from the ends to the roots. The comb you use is just as important as the hair products for Remy hair you have, since the hair is still likely going to be a little damp when you use it. Damp hair is prone to breakage, so a wide-tooth comb will create minimal friction. Once you’ve done that, your patience has paid off and you’re finally ready to grab your favorite hair products for Remy hair and style it how your heart desires.

At RemySoft, we believe the best hairstyles come from having an attention to detail, rather than simply the use of products. Of course, a good leave in conditioner has plenty of value, but it can’t be a substitute for a quality hair care routine. We are a big supporter of air drying hair, so we hope these tips will help you the next time you choose to do so. If you have any questions or would like more tips like these, feel free to contact us at any time.

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The Advantages of Using Hair Serum

You probably have a wide variety of hair products for Remy hair in your collection, but the one you use the most is likely a hair serum. It’s the perfect complement to your shampoo and conditioner and can add some benefits you didn’t know about. In fact, many people use a hair serum every day as part of their quality hair care routine and it’s the first product they pack when going on a trip. Whether you’ve never used a quality hair serum before or don’t know all of the benefits, continue reading to learn about them.

Protect Your Hair

One of the main benefits of using a protective hair serum is to protect it against elements like humidity and heat. You may notice your hair doesn’t get quite as frizzy during humid weather when you use your protective hair serum the night before. This is because the extra moisture added into the hair strands combats the humid air and allows it to remain hydrated. And if you’re a believer in using a blow dryer or straightening iron, then a good quality protective hair serum can prevent damage from the heat as well.

quality hair careSoften And Hydrate Hair Strands

A good hair serum is one of the many hair products for Remy hair designed to put moisture back into the hair. Dry hair can become brittle and get damaged easily, but the hair serum helps strengthen and soften it so you won’t have to worry about damaging it while styling. And from an appearance perspective, well-hydrated hair strands look like they have a lot more life to them.

Tame Your Frizz And Add Some Shine

There’s nothing more annoying than spending a significant amount of time on your quality hair care routine, only to see some frizzy hair strands sticking out. It’s easy to default to grabbing some hair spray, but this is where a quality hair serum can be beneficial as well. It will tame down the frizz as well as nourish the hair, so you won’t have to worry about it returning throughout the day. The result will be a shiny and polished appearance that allows you to style your hair however you wish.

RemySoft believes in using the right hair products for Remy hair specifically for your hair type. That’s why we are always willing to help our customers choose the right products for them, since no two people have the exact same hair. A good hair serum should be a part of everyone’s collection of hair care products for these reasons and more. To learn more about which hair products are right for you, don’t hesitate to contact us at any time.

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How to Keep Hair Color from Fading

Coloring your hair is a big time and money investment. So when you color yours, chances are you want it to last as long as possible. Hair color is going to fade away over time, but it doesn’t mean there’s nothing you can do to help maintain the color for several months. Whether it’s the hair products for Remy hair you use, including the type of shampoo, or altering your quality hair care routine, here are some simple tips to keep your hair color from fading too quickly.

Turn Down The Water Temperature

As wonderful as a hot shower feels, you may want to turn down the water temperature when washing your hair. The heat from the water could make the hair color look dull, mainly because it dries out the hair strands. You don’t have to take a super cold shower, but consider rinsing the hair with lukewarm water whenever possible.

Always Use A Sulfate Free Shampoo

The type of shampoo you use makes a big difference in how vibrant your hair color will remain. In this regard, using a sulfate free shampoo and conditioner will not only maintain moisture in your hair, but it will also prevent the color from being stripped out right before your eyes. You may also want to consider skipping a wash every now and then, since the more you wash your hair, the quicker the colors will naturally fade away.

sulfate free shampoo and conditionerAir Dry Instead of Heat Dry

Just like rinsing with hot water can speed up the process of your hair color fading, so can using heat from a blow dryer. Try making it a point to give yourself enough time to allow for air-drying your hair. But if you must use a blow dryer, turn the temperature down to the coolest setting possible. This will help your hair retain moisture, which is essential in maintaining the vibrant hair color.

Use Hair Products Specifically For Colored Hair

There are hair products for Remy hair specifically designed for people with different hair colors, including sulfate free shampoo and conditioner. Anyone who colors their hair owes it to themselves to invest in these products, and it’s also important to ask your hairstylist which products are best for your hair type specifically. You may be able to prolong your vibrant hair color for several weeks or months by using these products.

RemySoft knows how frustrating it can be to get your hair colored perfectly, only to see it fade away before your eyes in a matter of weeks. That’s why we suggest investing in the hair products for Remy hair designed to protect the color from the elements and prevent premature fading. If you’re ready to color your hair or if you’ve had problems maintaining your color in the past, contact us and we will recommend the perfect products for you.

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How to Calm Your Static Hair This Winter

Dry skin and static hair are the two things almost everyone has to look forward to when the winter months arrive. However, both of them are usually preventable with the right techniques and products. Talking specifically about your hair, oftentimes all it takes is switching up or adding different hair products for Remy hair to your hair care routine to add in some moisture. Here are some great tips you can try to incorporate to have smooth and static-free hair this winter.

Switch To A Hydrating Shampoo

A good hydrating shampoo itself may not completely eliminate static in your hair, but it can definitely ensure it’s not as bad as it could be. Dry hair equals frizzy hair, which will only make the static worse. Shampoo full of sulfates can strip the natural oils from your hair as well, which can dry out the strands. So the main thing you need to look at to prevent static as much as possible is ensuring you are using a sulfate free shampoo with a hydrating formula.

Be Careful With Your Hair-Drying Routine

Drying your hair too much or with the heat too high could create dry hair strands. Air drying whenever possible is ideal, but you can still reduce static by turning down the temperature to a lower setting if you have a hair dryer with temperature control. Other hair products for Remy hair, like a heat protectant, can also go a long way in protecting your hair from becoming too dry. You’ll know right away if your hair is too dry since it will appear frizzy afterward.

hair products for remy hairFinish With A Quality Hair Spray

Sometimes the best way to ensure your hair doesn’t get frizzy throughout the day is to spritz a little bit of hairspray before you head out for the day. Of course, there are plenty other hair products for Remy hair you could use to accomplish the same thing, so there’s never any harm in experimenting to find what works best for you. No matter if you have straight hair, wavy hair or curly hair, a quality hair spray could be your lifesaver when it comes to your hairstyle.

At RemySoft, we know exactly what you’re going through when it comes to your static hair during the winter. We hope these tips work to help you calm your static hair a bit and make your hairstyles easier to accomplish. The winter months always present different challenges with your hair, so trying different products and techniques will usually end up with you finding the best solution. We have a wide range of hair products for Remy hair for you to experiment with, so never hesitate to contact us and learn more about how they can help you.

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How to Create the Perfect Hairstyle While You Sleep

Throwing together a quick hairstyle in the morning when you’re in a rush is possible, but it typically doesn’t end up how you want it to. When you know the next morning is going to be frantic, or you simply won’t have time to style your hair how you’d like, consider an overnight hairstyle hack or two. All you need for most of them are some hair products for Remy hair, and of course, your sulfate free shampoo. Here are some tips and tricks for achieving hairstyles you can literally create while you sleep.

Make A High Bun To Retain Volume

If a voluminous hairstyle is what you want in the morning, then tossing and turning while you sleep with your hair down isn’t going to help. Instead, wash your hair with your sulfate free shampoo like you normally would, and maybe even add in some leave in conditioner as well. Then tie your hair up into a high bun and secure it. You won’t have to worry about it getting tangled or flattened while you sleep, and when you let the bun down in the morning, you’ll just need to shake it out and admire the volume that remained overnight.

Use A Silk Hair Scarf To Maintain Curls

Whether you have naturally curly hair or just want to make your curls the night before to save time in the morning, a silk hair scarf can be a lifesaver. Once your hair is curled, gather it up in a ball at the top of your head and wrap the silk scarf around it. The silk material helps protect the volume of the curls more than simply wrapping the hair up in a tight bun. The idea is to remove the silk scarf in the morning and you should only have to run your fingers through your hair to see the same quality curls you had the night before.

leave in conditionerBraid Your Hair For Heatless Waves

There’s been a big craze about heatless wavy hair lately, and for good reasons. To create this hairstyle, start with using your sulfate free shampoo and leave in conditioner. Once you’ve dried your hair completely, braid your hair in one big braid if your goal is to have loose waves. If you prefer tight waves, then have various small braids. Release it in the morning and you’ll have wavy hair that looks like it took you hours in the morning to achieve.

RemySoft wants you to be able to style your hair how you want to, and with as little effort as possible. Some hairstyles do take a while to achieve, but your day-to-day hairstyles don’t have to fall into that category. So the next time you can’t decide how you want to style your hair the next morning, consider these overnight styles to save you some time. And never hesitate to contact us if you have any questions about them or about your hair specifically.

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Mistakes You Could Be Making When Straightening Your Curly Hair

If you have naturally curly hair, you probably don’t need us to tell you how challenging it can be to straighten it. But the good news is there are different techniques to make the process a little easier and more successful. In fact, sometimes it simply comes down to reducing the amount of hair products for Remy hair you use to make the hair easier to work with. Here are some of the most common mistakes people with curly hair make when trying to straighten it.

Using Too Many Hair Products

When you overuse quality hair care products, you can reduce the impact the straightening iron has on the hair. Plus, when you do finally get the hair straight, chances are it will have a greasier appearance than you’d like. Limiting your hair products and washing with a sulfate free shampoo beforehand will strengthen the hair and put it in the best condition possible for straightening.

quality hair careNot Using The Right Straightener

Temperature control in a hair straightener is a lot more important than people give it credit for. So if your hair straightener doesn’t allow you to adjust the temperature, and you aren’t seeing the results you want, it may be time for an upgrade. The standard temperature setting on your straightener could be too hot or too cold, depending on your hair type, so experiment with different settings until you see the best results.

Wrong Blow-Drying Techniques

Next to washing your hair with sulfate free shampoo, the proper blow-drying techniques are most important when straightening curly hair. Your first step should be to pull your hair up when blow-drying it to give the roots some added volume. Then once the roots are completely dry, you can blow-dry the remainder of your hair downward to create the straightening effect. Many people overlook the importance of the upward blow-drying motion to begin with, so give it a try the next time you attempt to straighten your hair.

Straightening Too Large of Sections

Sometimes you don’t have the time or patience to dedicate to your quality hair care routine, which can lead to straightening sections of hair that are too large. Separating the hair into smaller sections is typically more effective since each strand gets the proper amount of heat. Straightening large sections may cut down on styling time, but the results won’t be as good.

At RemySoft, we understand the challenges people go through with different hair types. People with naturally curly hair are envied by many people, but we also know those curly-haired people sometimes don’t want their curls. The best thing about hair styling is there is an available solution for everything. Many times you have to experiment on your own, but feel free to contact us at any time for some tips to help you get on the right track.

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Can You Use Too Much Dry Shampoo?

Dry shampoo can be a life saver. Sometimes you simply don’t have much time to spend on your quality hair care routine, including washing your hair every couple days, and dry shampoo can get you through those times. However, with how convenient it is, many people could be relying on it too much and potentially causing more harm than good. The good news is if you’ve become too reliant on dry shampoo, there are simple solutions to help get your hair and scalp healthy again. You don’t have to give up your dry shampoo completely, but limiting the use is important.

Dry Shampoo And Scalp Health

The purpose of dry shampoo is to absorb some of the extra oil on the hair that would normally be removed when washing with a sulfate free shampoo. However, dry shampoo isn’t necessarily the best product for a healthy scalp. The powder and ingredients in it can clog the pores in the scalp, which prevents it from breathing and can lead to hair and scalp issues. You may eventually experience some irritation as a result, as well as other visible issues like dandruff.

How Much Dry Shampoo Is Too Much?

There’s nothing wrong with using dry shampoo on an as-needed basis. Many people use it to get them through the day after a workout, or if their hair is looking a little greasy and they don’t feel like washing it that night. Using dry shampoo every day without brushing it out completely can be considered going a little overboard. The main thing to remember when using it is to avoid scalp contact as much as possible, since the root of the issues will come from there.

sulfate free shampooMix In Hair Washing Every Couple Days

The best way to incorporate dry shampoo is to use it periodically in between washing days with your sulfate free shampoo. Sometimes you may want your hair to be a few days removed from getting washed so it will hold its style better. Dry shampoo is a valuable component to getting you through an extra day without washing, while still making your hair look great. Since everyone’s hair is different, you’ll have to pay close attention to yours and see how your other hair products for Remy hair look in combination with the dry shampoo and adjust your products or schedule accordingly.

RemySoft is a firm believer that no two people will have the same quality hair care schedule. When used properly, dry shampoo is very valuable, but shouldn’t be relied on. Nothing can provide the same benefits as a good hair wash with a great sulfate free shampoo, but life sometimes gets in the way of your regular washing schedule. We are here to help you with all things pertaining to your hair, so feel free to contact us at any time if you have any questions or concerns about yours.

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5 Hair Colors to Try This Winter

Winter is just around the corner, so there’s no better time than now to start thinking about what hair colors you’re going to sport. Whether it’s a color you’ve been eyeing for a few months and just waiting for the right opportunity, or if your favorite celebrity wore a color tone you fell in love with, now’s your chance to experiment with it. Just remember when you alter your hair color, you may need to also invest in some new hair products for Remy hair to protect the color and help it last as long as possible. Here are some popular hair colors you may consider this winter.

best sulfate free shampooDark Brown

If you’re already a brunette, going with a little darker brown color won’t be a drastic change, but it will still be noticeable. And if you don’t want to go completely darker, you can always just incorporate dark brown highlights to add some dimension. Combine these colors with a quality hair care routine and you’ll be set with your hair color for the winter months.

Vibrant Blonde

Who said you can’t have sun-kissed hair in the winter? Blondes often miss how their hair looks during the summer, but the good news is adding some vibrant blonde highlights can create the summer effect. There’s no harm in going against the grain in this situation by going brighter with your hair color instead of the traditional darker colors for the winter.

Honey Lowlights

Honey lowlights can be incorporated with virtually any hair color. The honey color is a perfect mix of blonde and brown, so the change won’t seem drastic regardless of your current style. One thing to remember if you try honey lowlights is to get the best sulfate free shampoo you can find to protect the colors and prevent them from fading.

Copper Undertones

People with red hair sometimes think their options are limited when it comes to being creative with their hair color. Copper undertones have become popular for redheads over the years, and it’s definitely a change worth trying this winter. It’s a subtle enough change where people will notice something different about your hair, but it won’t attract a significant amount of attention.

Amber Highlights

If you have a lighter brown hair color, amber highlights may be a good trend to try. Similar to the honey lowlights, the amber highlights won’t completely transform your entire hair color, but just give it enough of a change to be noticeable. And again, using the best sulfate free shampoo will maintain the color of the highlights throughout the winter months and beyond.

RemySoft is your resource for all hair products for Remy hair. But we also enjoy helping people find the perfect hairstyle and color. Finding the right hair color can be difficult, since most people don’t want the change to be too drastic. You will never know what looks best on you until you try, though, so give us a call if you need any advice about your hair.

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