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3 Reasons Sulfate Free Shampoo May be Best for You

You may have heard of the benefits of using a sulfate free shampoo, but what makes sulfates so bad? Sulfates are designed to wash away all the dirt and oils in your hair to make it clean. However, sulfates also go a little too far and can actually strip away too many oils, which can lead to brittle, damaged or dry hair. Plus, if you color your hair, sulfates could make the colors fade much quicker. Here are some of the main reasons why using a sulfate free shampoo could benefit you the most.

sulfate free shampooYou Color Your Hair

The stylist who colored your hair will likely recommend a particular shampoo to use to help maintain the vibrant color. If you look on the ingredient list, you likely won’t find any sulfates on it. This is because a sulfate free shampoo won’t leave your hair very dry, which is critical since the hair dye naturally dries out the hair a bit. And since a shampoo free of sulfates is gentler, you won’t run the risk of stripping out the hair color.

Your Hair Is Frizzy, Dry or Damaged

One of the most basic explanations for people with dry hair is they don’t have enough moisture in it. This could be due to genetics, the environment or simply because you wash your hair too much and don’t give it enough of a chance to produce the right amount of oils. Finding a hydrating shampoo free of sulfates may slowly transform your dry, frizzy or damaged hair into a healthy and voluminous head of hair you can’t wait to style in the morning. It does just enough to keep the hair clean, while leaving behind the essential oils needed to maintain healthy hair.

You Don’t Have To Wash Your Hair Every Day

Some people have hair that simply doesn’t produce a significant amount of oil, so they don’t have a need to wash their hair every day. Using a sulfate free shampoo is a perfect complement, since it won’t strip away the little oil present in the hair. Many people find success by washing their hair every 2-3 days with a sulfate free shampoo, but you can experiment with it to see the frequency of washing your hair needs.

RemySoft is a firm believer in always using the best sulfate free shampoo you can find. In many ways, it’s the foundation of any great hairstyle, since it makes the hair easier to work with and it always looks vibrant and healthy. If you have any questions at all about sulfates and what shampoo is right for your hair, never hesitate to contact us and we will be happy to give you our expert opinion.

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Dry Hair? Not a Problem

A person’s hair can become dry for many reasons. Washing it too much, using harsh hair products and not having a balanced diet can all lead to dry and brittle hair. The good news is it’s usually simple to identify the reason why your hair may not be as hydrated as it needs to be. And it’s even simpler to alter your hair care routine to get it back to normal. Here are some tips to improve your dry hair.

Choose Your Shampoo Wisely

Some shampoos are designed for people with dry hair. This could be a quality hydrating shampoo, and it’s definitely a shampoo free of sulfates. Shampoos with sulfates can strip the natural oils in your hair more harshly than others, so it’s best to avoid those. And the more moisture you can put into your hair when you wash it, the better off it will be. Switch to a hydrating shampoo and see if you notice any results over the course of a few weeks.

hydrating shampooTake Cooler Showers

Hot water on the hair can cause it to swell and release some of the moisture in it. So while you think you are helping your hair, you may actually be hurting it if the water temperature is too hot. Try turning down the temperature just a bit and finish your hair-washing routine off with a rinse of cold water to trap the moisture back in the hair strands.

Alter Your Hair-Washing Schedule

It’s tempting to wash your hair with a hydrating shampoo every day with the intent of putting moisture back in it. But the nature of washing your hair will strip the oils from it, so it’s best to skip a day or two occasionally. After day two or three without washing your hair, you should see noticeable differences. Everyone’s hair is different, so you may have to experiment with your hair-washing schedule to see what works best to bring out the natural glow of your hair.

Be Conscious of The Elements

The outside elements you expose yourself to can lead to dry hair as well. Wind and sun are two of the most common elements that can dry out your hair quickly. Protect it as much as possible by wearing a hat when you know you’ll be out in the elements for an extended period of time. Also be sure to carry around some hair products for Remy hair to protect it throughout the day.

RemySoft knows how frustrating it can be dealing with dry hair on a daily basis. It definitely takes a little patience to get your hair back to normal, but the results are well worth the effort you put forth. Whether it’s incorporating new hair products for Remy hair or making a simple adjustment to your hair-washing schedule, you’re likely just a couple steps away from eliminating your dry hair. Don’t hesitate to contact us at any time for more tips on managing your hair.

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Say Goodbye to Hair Breakage

When your hair is constantly breaking, it can seem impossible to style it how you want to. Not only is this frustrating, but it could also be concerning if there’s an underlying issue needing to be addressed. The good news is most of the time hair breakage is just a sign of your hair needing more nutrients. When you have dry hair, it becomes more brittle and prone to breaking. Simple changes are likely all you need to make to your quality hair care routine, but let’s take a look at the proper ways to address hair breakage.

quality hair careUnderstanding Why Your Hair Breaks

Some people are more prone to having weak hair due to genetics, and there’s not much you can do about it. However, some of the other common reasons why your hair could break include:

  • Using heat tools too often
  • Dyeing your hair too much
  • Not washing your hair after exposing it to chemicals, like those found in swimming pools
  • Styling your hair improperly

Heat tools used for styling are convenient and create great results. However, they are the number one culprit in creating weak hair strands. It’s important to take preventative measures when using these tools to better protect the hair.

Steps To Prevent Hair Breakage

Making simple alterations to your quality hair care routine, like applying a protective hair serum before using heat styling tools, will go a long way in maintaining strong hair. Also, scaling back on the frequency of using the heat tools will give your hair a little break and help it stay stronger longer.

Possibly the most common reason why people experience hair breakage is when they brush it while it’s wet. After using your sulfate free shampoo in the shower, allow your hair to air dry as long as you can. If needed, use a blow dryer on the coolest setting to let it dry slowly. Once you have completely dry hair, then you can run a brush through it gently to remove any tangles without breaking the hair.

Give Your Hair The Nutrients Needed To Be Strong

Your hair needs the right nutrients to remain strong and healthy. If you notice your hair breaking more often, try switching up your diet and incorporating more protein into it. And always be sure to stay hydrated, as your hair benefits greatly from a well-hydrated body. You may not notice significant changes in your hair right away, but if you stick with a more well-balanced diet and focus on hydration, your hair will slowly become stronger.

RemySoft not only wants you to have the best looking hair possible, but we also want you to maintain healthy hair in the process. Using a sulfate free shampoo will help prevent dry hair, since it won’t strip away the natural oils from the hair as harshly. If you constantly struggle with dry hair, start by making minor adjustments to your hair care routine over time and you’ll be on your way to having stronger hair. And never hesitate to contact us if you have any questions or need advice for your hair.

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3 Mistakes Your Hair Stylist Wishes You Would Stop Doing

There’s nothing better than a visit to your hair stylist to get your hair in tip-top shape. Whether you’re visiting them prior to a big event or if you just need to rejuvenate your hair, a good stylist will be able to meet your needs. However, neglecting your hair up until that point isn’t doing your stylist or you any favors. A good quality hair care routine at home is more important than routine visits to the salon. Stylists can easily identify when you’ve neglected your hair. Here are the most common mistakes you could be making with your hair that your hair stylist may bring to your attention.

Not Using Quality Hair Products

If you spend a lot of time and money at the salon, you owe it to yourself to invest in quality hair care products rather than just buying the cheapest products at the supermarket. The ingredients in these products are potentially damaging, and the average person doesn’t even realize it. Most shampoos have sulfates, so one of the most basic tips is to find a sulfate free shampoo to keep your hair as healthy as possible on a daily basis.

Brushing Wet Hair

There’s no better way to break your hair strands than brushing it when it’s wet. Not only is it easier to brush dry hair, it’s also stronger when it’s dry so you can prevent breakage. When you have tangled hair, your stylist may recommend brushing it prior to getting in the shower while it’s still dry. Then when you get out of the shower, you can use a brush specially designed for wet hair and run through it seamlessly without having to struggle with knots or tangles.

sulfate free shampooAlways Defaulting To Ponytails

It’s too easy to just pull your hair up in a ponytail when you’re in a rush or having a lazy day. But doing this too often could be damaging your hair more than you think. Pulling your hair back into a tight ponytail puts a lot of stress on it, and can lead to breakage. Most of the time the breakage will occur around the crown and can sometimes even create damage at the follicle. You don’t have to follow a strict quality hair care routine every day, but try not to make it a habit to default to wearing a ponytail multiple times every week.

RemySoft is here to give you all the tips and tricks the average hair stylist may not give you. Knowing what mistakes you’re making and how to correct them can help you maintain your shiny and healthy hair for longer periods of time. Plus, you’ll always have great-looking hair that looks like you just came from the salon. For more tips like this and what quality hair care products you can be incorporating into your hair, contact us today.

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The Correct Way to Clean Your Brush

Cleaning your hairbrush is likely something you don’t think about every day. Of course, it’s easy to see the hair that gets caught in it, but is it really a big deal to leave it in there a few days? The truth is time typically gets away from us, and what starts out as a few days of neglecting to clean our brushes turns into a few months quickly. A clean hairbrush is great for maintaining good hygiene and will make your sulfate free shampoo and conditioner more effective. Here are some tips for cleaning your hairbrush the right way.

dry hairStart By Removing Hair From The Brush

Before you even grab any supplies to clean your brush, it’s important to remove all the hair from it. If you have brittle and dry hair, you may have to take several minutes to do this, since it tends get stuck in the brush more often. Once you have the hair completely removed, you can move on to the next step in the cleaning process.

The Soaking Method

If your hairbrush doesn’t have any foam, wood, natural fibers or other similar materials, then the best cleaning method may be to soak it. Even a good sulfate free shampoo and conditioner can buildup on your brush if you don’t rinse the hair thoroughly enough, but soaking your brush can get rid of it. A simple solution of hot water, shampoo and baking soda provides all of the cleansing components you need to have a healthy brush. When you mix all of the ingredients together, allow the brush to soak in it for 20-30 minutes. This should remove a lot of the product buildup from the bristles before moving on to the next step.

Grab A Toothbrush

Regardless of whether you soaked your hairbrush or not, using a toothbrush can help you clean the small areas. The base of the brush and the bottom of the bristles can be difficult to clean with your fingers, but a toothbrush does a thorough job. Once you’ve cleaned it completely with the toothbrush, rinse it under cool water and allow it to dry before using it.

Always Be Gentle, But Thorough

Hair brushes can be delicate, especially the bristles. You don’t want to break any of the bristles since it could have an impact on its functionality. A thorough cleaning of any hairbrush is essential, but it’s also important to be gentle while you’re doing it. If you brush through hair extensions often, a thorough cleaning of your brush can work wonders in keeping them looking great for a long time.

At RemySoft, we understand what everyone goes through when dealing with their hair. We all want to have the best looking hair possible, but with the busy lives we have, it’s sometimes difficult to dedicate enough time to hair hygiene. If nothing else, use a great quality sulfate free shampoo and conditioner to prevent dry hair and you’ll have hair you can work with. For more tips and tricks like this, contact us at any time.

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How Exercise Impacts Hair Growth

In order to maintain a healthy lifestyle, you have to incorporate some sort of exercise into your routine. However, taking exercise to the extreme can also create an opposite effect. People who exercise at high intensity levels, for an extended amount of time and numerous times each week have to take care of their bodies even more so. The body needs proper nutrients to stay healthy, and it’s important to be conscious of this if you exercise intensely. Having dry hair could be a symptom of a lack of nutrients, so don’t ignore it. Here are other things to consider with your hair as it relates to exercising.

Balanced Exercising is Key

dry hair

It’s entirely possible to maintain healthy hair even when you exercise often. The key is balance. Don’t overdo it when you exercise, and always keep your quality hair care routine in mind. People who are exercising to lose weight will often neglect their nutrition, which has a significant impact on their hair. Your hair needs nutrients and vitamins in order to remain as healthy as possible. Not creating this balance can lead to dry hair or other side effects with the appearance of your hair.

Can Too Much Exercise Lead To Hair Loss?

Too much exercise can put a strain on your health over time, and possibly even lead to losing hair. This is especially true when you don’t consume the proper nutrients. The good news is the hair loss experienced from too much exercise is usually temporary, and having good health habits combined with a quality hair care routine can get your hair growth back on track. Try to limit your exercise sessions to no more than an hour, and only a few times each week, in order to have the best hair and overall health.

A Clean Scalp Equals A Healthy Scalp

Always use a good hydrating shampoo after exercising. Sweat that builds up on the scalp can be harmful to your hair’s health, so the cleaner your scalp is, the healthier your hair will look. Making simple adjustments to your quality hair care routine can keep your hair growth as normal as possible and ensure you’re reaping all of the benefits of a balanced diet and exercise routine.

RemySoft understands the relationship between a healthy diet and exercise and how it relates to your hair. Your overall health is a major factor in how your hair looks, and sometimes even the best quality hair care products won’t be as effective as they normally are. No one should be struggling with how their hair looks, and we want to help you if you are. Don’t hesitate to contact us at any time for tips on how to make your hair look great.

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Inspiring Wedding Hairstyles for the Summer

Summer weddings are great for many reasons, and one of those reasons is the wide variety of hairstyle options you have to choose from. No matter how long your hair is or what type your hair is, the perfect wedding hairstyle is out there. Sometimes all it takes is adding hair extensions to get some inspiration, but other times you can work with your natural hair to create a hairstyle you never thought was possible. Here are our most inspirational wedding hairstyles to consider this summer.

Miniature Braids

The miniature braid hairstyle goes great with a rustic-themed summer wedding, but will look great in any setting also. From the front it looks like you have a simple straight or wavy hairstyle that extends just below the shoulders. In the back, you’ll make miniature braids that add a small touch of elegance anyone will be impressed with. This hairstyle can be pulled off with almost any hair type, regardless of whether you have dry hair, frizzy hair or perfectly straight hair.

High Bun

The high bun is a bold hairstyle for a wedding, and there are many things you can do with it. You can start by adding hair extensions to make the bun more voluminous. Then once you have the hair secured in the bun, get creative with different accessories to put the high bun hairstyle over the top. This is one of the easiest wedding hairstyles that can be as simple or creative as you want it to be.

Side-Sweeping Waves

One of the most popular things ladies like to do with their hair for a wedding is create glamorous waves. You really can’t go wrong with a great wavy hairstyle, especially when it’s side-swept like this one. The side-swept waves will keep your hair out of your face, as well as show off your dress and other accessories you may have. It’s the perfect elegant hairstyle for any summer wedding. Be sure to use your sulfate free shampoo so your hair looks as healthy and shiny as possible to maximize the waviness.

sulfate free shampooRomantic Ponytail

There’s nothing wrong with a great ponytail hairstyle for a wedding. Many ladies don’t want to go with an overly formal look for their wedding, and there are plenty of ways to dress up a ponytail. Whether you have naturally long hair or need to add hair extensions, you can create twists, curls, buns or anything else. The great thing about the romantic ponytail is you can make it as formal or informal as your heart desires, so be as creative as you would like.

RemySoft is here to help you transform your hair into the perfect summer wedding hairstyle. The base of every hairstyle is a quality sulfate free shampoo, and hair extensions are always an option. But we will always work with you and your specific desires to create a hairstyle you will be amazed with. Don’t hesitate to contact us at any time for more tips and advice on how to style your hair for wedding season this summer.

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Are You Using the Right Styling Tool for Your Hair?

Texture makes a huge difference in achieving the hairstyle you want on any given day. Sometimes you can spend hours on your hair and it ends up being a flat and dull mess. We’ve all been there, but one of the problems could be you aren’t using the right styling tools. The right tools can make your quality hair care routine more efficient, add the right amount of texture and create virtually any style you desire. Here are some of the most common tools you could be using, but may need to consider changing.

Basic Brushes and Combs

Everyone has combs and brushes in their portfolio of quality hair care products. A good detangling brush is one of the best investments you can make for your hair. Not only will it make your hair straight and easy to work with, but it will also ensure any products you use will be distributed evenly throughout your hair.

Depending on the hairstyle you’re aiming for, you will also benefit from a good wide-toothed comb. This comb is great for getting rid of tangles, but will still maintain your waves or curls. And the best wide-tooth combs are also gentle enough to be used with hair extensions, so be sure not to invest in the cheapest option.

Curling Irons

Getting quick curls is easy when you have the right curling iron. There are many different options available, but you want to ensure yours has a few different heat settings for flexibility. Curling irons that are too hot can damage your hair, especially if you have naturally dry hair or brittle hair. Plus, you don’t want your hair extensions to be damaged, so using the lowest heat setting is generally recommended.

dry hairHair Straighteners

Hair straighteners are by far the most common styling tool. Most of these tools are compact, quick and easy to use and can make your hair straight and sleek in a matter of minutes. A lot of hairstyles start out with straight hair, so using a good quality hair straightener could be the foundation of your desired style. If you can, invest in a ceramic straightener since it reduces the risk of damaging your hair and still creates great results.

RemySoft offers all the tools and quality hair care products you need to create the hairstyle you desire. And if for some reason we don’t have exactly what you’re looking for, we are happy to provide you with alternate tips on achieving the same result. To learn more about styling tools and finding the best products for your hairstyle, contact us today.

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Is Your Hair Surviving the Winter?

With just a few more weeks of winter left, how is your hair looking? The winter season can sometimes be the most damaging to our hair. A big reason for this is because it’s easy to get away from our quality hair care routine when we stay inside and don’t go out much. One of the common effects of the cold weather is getting dry hair, which can become brittle and easily damaged. If you’ve noticed your hair isn’t quite looking as flawlessly as you’d like, here are some tips for protecting your hair for the remaining weeks of winter.

protective hair serumPump The Moisturizer

Moisturizing your hair in combination with washing it with a sulfate free shampoo can help keep it healthy for the last few winter months. Preventing dry hair will ensure it’s ready to go when the temperature starts heating up. Plus, you won’t have to worry about damaging it or having to cut off a significant amount of split ends once spring rolls around.

Don’t Overwash

Washing your hair too much can also lead to dry hair. Depending on your daily activities, you may be able to reduce your hair washing frequency to once a week. Just be sure to use a sulfate free shampoo so you’re giving your hair the best treatment possible. The key is to not strip the hair of the natural oils, and the best way to do so is to not wash it as often.

Dry Hair Completely Before Going Outside

If you live in an area where harsh winter weather is common, you need to be extra protective of your hair. Walking out of the house with even damp hair could cause some of the strands to freeze and lead to breakage. Take a few extra minutes to dry your hair completely before going out into the elements.

Protect Your Hair From The Winter Elements

Incorporating a protective hair serum can help keep your hair safe from the winter elements, but sometimes it’s not enough. Try not to expose your hair to the elements as much as reasonably possible, since it’s much harder to revive damaged hair than it is to protect it to begin with. But even if your hair hasn’t made it through the winter looking as good as you’d hoped for, it can always be rejuvenated with a little bit of work and the right hair care products. 

RemySoft understands the difficulties of maintaining healthy hair during the harsh winter months. Dry hair can be difficult to work with and can cause you to completely alter your hair care routine once the weather starts getting better. For more tips on how to help your hair survive the last few weeks of winter, contact us today.

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The Ultimate Hair Brush Guide

If you’ve ever struggled with getting your hair exactly how you want it, the brush you have may be to blame. Many people focus on products and techniques, but overlook the main culprit in preventing you from pulling off the perfect hairstyle. Of course, using the best sulfate free shampoo and conditioner you can find is still extremely important. But combining products like those with a quality brush for your hair type will provide the best results. Here’s a quick guide for selecting the best brush for your hair.

Best Brush For Curly Hair

If you have curly hair, you shouldn’t use any brush other than a round one. The round shape gives you the ability to easily rotate your hair to maximize your natural curls without having to break out the curling iron. Plus, a common attribute of people with curly hair is they also experience dry hair. Using a round brush can help you style your hair more gently to prevent any damage to brittle and dry hair.

Best Brush for Smooth Hair

For long and smooth hair, consider a straight brush to help gently detangle the hair. Keeping your hair strands intact is always important, but especially so if you usually rock a smooth hairstyle. A straight detangler brush is the best option to create smooth hair without causing any damage, and can even be used with hair extensions in most cases.

Most Versatile Brush

No matter what hair type you have or what hairstyle you want to achieve, you have to have a mixed bristle brush in your collection. This type of brush is great for all hair types and is even gentle enough to be used with hair extensions. The combination of the boar and nylon bristles serve different purposes to provide comfort to your scalp, while also spreading out the natural oils throughout each strand of hair.

dry hairAre Cheap Brushes Worth It?

There are times where your hairstyle just isn’t that important to you, and we completely understand those days. Having a cheap multipurpose brush is good to have for days like those. However, if you’re wanting to achieve a certain hairstyle for an event or if you just want to make your hair look great, invest in a quality brush suited for your hair type.

RemySoft is here to help you create the hairstyle you desire. Whether you need help selecting the perfect brush, the best sulfate free shampoo and conditioner or have any questions pertaining to your hair, we have the expertise and knowledge to help you out. Feel free to contact us at any time for answers to your burning questions.

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