Hair loss can happen at any age, and there are many different reasons why it occurs. Still, it’s human nature to try to figure out exactly why you’re losing hair when it’s happening. You may have changed your quality hair care routine so many times that you don’t even know what your routine is anymore. Or you may have blamed your family genetics for the hair loss. There are plenty of myths out there when it comes to hair loss, so be careful what you believe. Here are three of the most common myths you’ve likely read about, but shouldn’t believe.

Stress Causes Hair Loss

sulfate free shampoo and conditionerStress can actually make you lose some hair, but it’s not a reason why you’re experiencing permanent hair loss. Certain stressful events could trigger hair loss, since your immune system will target hair follicles, making them fall out. So before you go out and invest in unnecessary quality hair care products to try to put an end to your hair falling out, just think about your stress levels. Once your stress gets under control, you should see a big improvement in your hair growth and thickness.

Wearing Hats Make You Lose Hair

Many people who notice their hair falling out will opt for sun protection for hair rather than wearing a hat. A hat causing hair loss is one of the oldest myths in the book, though. The idea is the hat will actually suffocate the hair follicles, which causes them to die and fall out. The theory makes sense, but it’s simply not true. The only way this would be possible is if the hat were so tight on the head that it was restricting blood flow. And if that were the situation, then you would have more problems to worry about than hair loss. So feel free to wear your hat this summer without being concerned about losing your hair.

Genetics Are to Blame

Genetics play a big role in how your hair looks, but it’s not fair to point to one particular person in your family tree. A common myth is your maternal grandfather’s hairline plays a direct role in what your hair will look like. This old belief isn’t true. Rather, it’s the combination of genetics over many generations that actually play the largest role in your hair loss, as well as your own quality hair care practices.

RemySoft is here to help you deal with your hair loss however we can help. Whether it’s debunking myths to give you peace of mind, or offering the best sulfate free shampoo and conditioner to help you feel more confident in your hair, we are just a phone call away. Never hesitate to contact us if you have any concerns with your hair, and we will have an answer for you.