A new year means it’s time to think about resolutions we want to make to ensure 2017 is the best it can possibly be. Most people want to lose weight, make more money or be more active in the community in the New Year. Those are great resolutions, but maintaining healthier hair generally gets overlooked as a resolution. Whether you’ve got your list of New Year’s resolutions finalized or not, here are some healthy hair resolutions you can make for 2017.

1. Watch Your Diet

This is one of the top New Year’s resolutions people make, and if you take it a step further, it can lead to healthier hair too! When a healthy diet is combined with hair products for Remy hair, you will be able to produce healthier-looking hair this year. If you’re already trying to eat a better diet anyway, simply add some hair care products and you’ll be knocking out two resolutions just that easily!

2. Protect Your Hair

Always keep your hair in mind no matter what’s going on. Don’t wait until your hair gets dry or damaged to use protective hair serum. Use it when you know you’ll be spending a lot of time out in the sun. Try different products as well, like sulfate free shampoo and conditioners, which may be better for your hair than the generic products you are currently using.

3. Use Less Heat

Straighteners and hair dryers are convenient when you’re short on time. However, they can be damaging to your hair by making it dry, rough and frizzy. Instead, try out different hair products from Remy hair as substitutes for these heating tools. Sometimes it may be unavoidable to use those heat tools, but try to at least avoid making it a habit to use them on a daily basis.

RemySoft hair products for remy hair4. Don’t Avoid the Salon

Men generally visit the salon more than women to get their haircut, but everyone can benefit from more frequent trips to a trusted hair care professional. Your hair salon will give you advice on how to properly take care of your hair from visit-to-visit. Sometimes we can’t tell if our hair is showing signs of damage until it’s too late. Make it a point to visit your salon regularly in 2017.

We hope these New Year’s resolutions for your hair will help you have healthier hair in 2017. Be sure to contact us for specific resolutions for your particular hairstyle.