Dry shampoo can be a life saver. Sometimes you simply don’t have much time to spend on your quality hair care routine, including washing your hair every couple days, and dry shampoo can get you through those times. However, with how convenient it is, many people could be relying on it too much and potentially causing more harm than good. The good news is if you’ve become too reliant on dry shampoo, there are simple solutions to help get your hair and scalp healthy again. You don’t have to give up your dry shampoo completely, but limiting the use is important.

Dry Shampoo And Scalp Health

The purpose of dry shampoo is to absorb some of the extra oil on the hair that would normally be removed when washing with a sulfate free shampoo. However, dry shampoo isn’t necessarily the best product for a healthy scalp. The powder and ingredients in it can clog the pores in the scalp, which prevents it from breathing and can lead to hair and scalp issues. You may eventually experience some irritation as a result, as well as other visible issues like dandruff.

How Much Dry Shampoo Is Too Much?

There’s nothing wrong with using dry shampoo on an as-needed basis. Many people use it to get them through the day after a workout, or if their hair is looking a little greasy and they don’t feel like washing it that night. Using dry shampoo every day without brushing it out completely can be considered going a little overboard. The main thing to remember when using it is to avoid scalp contact as much as possible, since the root of the issues will come from there.

sulfate free shampooMix In Hair Washing Every Couple Days

The best way to incorporate dry shampoo is to use it periodically in between washing days with your sulfate free shampoo. Sometimes you may want your hair to be a few days removed from getting washed so it will hold its style better. Dry shampoo is a valuable component to getting you through an extra day without washing, while still making your hair look great. Since everyone’s hair is different, you’ll have to pay close attention to yours and see how your other hair products for Remy hair look in combination with the dry shampoo and adjust your products or schedule accordingly.

RemySoft is a firm believer that no two people will have the same quality hair care schedule. When used properly, dry shampoo is very valuable, but shouldn’t be relied on. Nothing can provide the same benefits as a good hair wash with a great sulfate free shampoo, but life sometimes gets in the way of your regular washing schedule. We are here to help you with all things pertaining to your hair, so feel free to contact us at any time if you have any questions or concerns about yours.