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Category Archives: sulfate free shampoo and conditioner

The Secrets on How to Make Thin Hair Look Thicker

Whether you’ve had thin hair your entire life or if it just started thinning out as you’ve grown older, chances are there’s been a time or two where you wished your hair was thicker. It’s no secret thin hair is more difficult to style and you have to be creative sometimes to achieve the hairstyle you’re aiming for. The good news is even if you can’t naturally make your hair thicker, there are some ways you can increase the volume of it. Even if that means just giving your hair the appearance of being thicker by using certain hair products for Remy hair, it’s better than nothing. Here are some of the top secrets for making your thin hair look thicker.

hair extensionsAdd Hair Extensions

In addition to adding length, hair extensions also increase volume. The great thing about hair extensions is you don’t have to be committed to them for the long-term. If you just want to have thicker hair for a certain event, you can clip them in to achieve the hairstyle you want and then remove them at the end of the night. Plus, you virtually have unlimited styling options with hair extensions and can experiment with the different ones accordingly.

Experiment With Various Hairstyles

Sometimes the way you style your hair can give it the appearance of being thicker. Some examples include fluffing up your ponytail or creating a wavy appearance. If you’ve done these before with undesirable results, then you may need to incorporate some hair products for Remy hair to take your efforts to the next level. Just like experimenting with different hairstyles, you can experiment with different products to see which ones create the illusion of having more volume in your hair.

Alter The Focus of Your Hair

Still can’t seem to achieve the look you want for some reason? Maybe it’s time to shift the focus of your hair to disguise the lack of thickness. Start by using a sulfate free shampoo and conditioner to ensure your hair is as shiny and as fluffy as possible. Then you can try clipping your hair to the side and using accessories to draw attention to that area. With the right combination of accessories and hair products for Remy hair, people won’t even realize your hair is thin since they will be amazed at how great it looks.

RemySoft understands the struggles people with thin hair go through. We are constantly asked about how to incorporate hair extensions and hair products for Remy hair, and we are happy to help every time. Most of the time you don’t have to do a whole lot to give your hair the appearance of being thicker, but contact us at any time for specific tips on your hair type.

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How to Keep a Healthy Scalp

Have you ever wondered why your hair sometimes doesn’t look like you want it to? It may appear greasy all the time or just may not have the right amount of shine to it. One part of having great-looking hair people tend to forget about is having a healthy scalp. Your hair follicles start at the scalp, so if there are any problems at that point, it’s going to show up in your hair eventually. With a combination of the right hair products for Remy hair and paying close attention to your scalp, you’ll be able to have the best-looking hair you’ve always desired. Here are some tips for keeping your scalp healthy.

Use The Best Sulfate Free Shampoosulfate free shampoo

The type of shampoo you use makes a huge difference. But just how everyone’s hair is different, every shampoo is different as well. Start by finding a great sulfate free shampoo to better protect your hair. Sulfates can strip the hair of its natural oils, which can also do the same to the scalp. Washing your hair and scalp once every two or three days with sulfate free shampoo will promote a healthy scalp and great-looking hair.

Don’t Overdo It

One mistake many people make when trying to clean their scalp is doing too much at once. There are numerous hair products for Remy hair, but it doesn’t mean you have to use them all. Of course, it’s recommended to try various products over time to see which ones work for you specifically. However, space out the different product usage so you don’t have a buildup of oils on your hair and scalp.

Incorporate The Right Products For Your Hair

The right products for your specific hair and scalp will go a long way in keeping them both healthy. Some people don’t need sun protection for hair when they are outside in the summer, but others may have to use it every day. Also, if you experience a dry scalp, it may be time to use an exfoliation product, or just wash your hair more intensely with your sulfate free shampoo. Unclogging the pores, as well as giving your scalp a good massage, will do it a lot of good and you’ll notice the results in your hair when you style it. You don’t need a lot of hair products for Remy hair to keep a healthy scalp. You just need the right products.

RemySoft has the solution for anyone having problems keeping a healthy scalp. Some people don’t even realize their scalp is the reason for the problems they are having with their hair. We have all the tips and products you could ever need to keep your scalp healthy, and style your hair to perfection. Don’t hesitate to contact us for more tips or advice and to learn about our product offering.

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Every Day Can be a Good Hair Day

No matter if your hair is straight, wavy, curly or frizzy, chances are you’ve experienced a bad hair day a time or two. And for some reason, bad hair days always tend to pop up on the morning you can’t afford to just cover it up. Sometimes your hair won’t cooperate because it was still wet when you went to sleep. Other times it will be a mess for a different reason, or no reason at all. Regardless, the right combination of quality hair care products and your hair care routine can eliminate bad hair days and make every day a good hair day.

Wash Your Hair Less Frequently

The natural thought when you have greasy hair is to wash it more often. However, you could end up fighting an uphill battle with that approach. Even when you use a sulfate free shampoo, it’s important to spread out your hair washing nights to maybe two or three nights a week. When you wash your hair too much, you’re stripping the hair of its natural oils, which causes it to work harder to produce more oil to compensate. Washing your hair less frequently with a quality sulfate free shampoo will make your hair easier to work with and always look shiny.

Avoid Heat

Heat products can cause some significant damage to any hair type. You may experience frizzy hair, split ends or other types of damage when you use hot curling irons or straighteners frequently. Incorporate some heatless styling in your quality hair care routine and you’ll thank yourself later.

quality hair careUse Protective Hair Care Products

If heat products are unavoidable, then you have no choice but to use a protective hair serum. The best protective hair serum will help retain the moisture in your hair and make the follicles less brittle, which leads to a smaller risk of damage. In fact, using this type of product occasionally can provide other benefits, even when you don’t use heat to style your hair.

Keep Hair Moisturized

Your hair needs moisture to look its best, and to be easy to style. A leave-in conditioner is a great product to have on hand. Otherwise, you can keep a water bottle handy and give your hair a spritz of water occasionally when you notice it’s getting dry. It’s especially important to be conscious of the moisture in your hair when you’re out in the hot and dry weather.

At RemySoft, we don’t see bad hair days as a bad thing. We see them as an opportunity to try a new product, a new routine or anything else to help improve your hair. There are so many different ways to ensure you always rock a good hairstyle, and we are here to help you find the perfect routine. Don’t hesitate to contact us at any time for more tips and tricks on how to always have the best hair day.

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From Short to Long the Ultimate Haircut Trends

Inspiration for some of the latest haircut trends come from many different sources. A lot of the trends are unique and innovative, while others simply resurface trends from many years ago. Whether you have short hair, long hair or anything in between, we’ve got the ultimate haircut for you. Combine these ideas with investing in the best quality hair care products and you’ll be looking like you’re ready to walk the red carpet.

Decades of Inspiration

Bouncy and fluffy hairstyles are coming back into style. This trend was vibrant in the ‘90s and even as early as the ‘70s. Leave your hair long or use some hair extensions to add some length and volume. Many people say the best thing about this haircut trend is not having to do much with their hair. In fact, the more you leave it alone, the better it will usually look.

High Updos

Nowadays celebrities want to show off their wardrobe to the world. The best way to do so is by putting their hair up higher so all of their other features are highlighted. The high updo also shows off your facial features and simply gives your entire appearance a sleek look. You’ll definitely need some quality hair care products to keep the hairdo in place, but it’s well worth the investment.

Longer Pixie Cut

When you think of a pixie haircut, you probably think of a shorter hairstyle. This is true most of the time, but the trend now is to let the pixie cut grow out a little more. We aren’t saying to put hair extensions in your hair to achieve this hairstyle, but we are saying to let your hair grow out a little longer after getting a pixie cut and see how you like it.

sulfate free shampooRock The Bob Cut

The bob haircut isn’t going anywhere. People with medium-length hair have so many options to style their bob cut. No matter if it’s a straight style, wavy, curly or anything in between, there may not be a more versatile haircut than a bob. Just be sure to use a good sulfate free shampoo a couple times each week when washing your hair to keep it looking fresh, sleek and healthy at all times.

No-Show Haircut

Some people don’t like getting a haircut because they don’t want it to appear as if they just got a fresh cut. If you fall into this category, tell your stylist you just want to achieve healthy ends that look soft and fluffy. You won’t have the crisp and clean ends like you normally get after a haircut. Instead, it will look like your haircut is a couple weeks old, which is when it usually starts looking the best.

RemySoft keeps up with the latest haircut trends so you don’t have to. We are your one-stop resource for not only haircut and hairstyle tips, but also the quality hair care products you need to achieve them. No matter what length you hair is now or what length you want it to be, contact us today for some tips and advice on achieving the haircut you desire.

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5 Bridal Hairstyles to Fit Any Wedding Day

Your wedding day has to be elegant and perfect. From the decor to the seating, the venue and even your hairstyle, every little detail matters. With all the planning and preparation that goes into a wedding, it’s easy to not spend as much time thinking about your hairstyle as you’d like to. Many brides-to-be add shiny hair extensions to give them more options, and we encourage doing so as well. However, by using the best hair products for Remy hair, you can create the hairstyle of your dreams to fit your unique wedding day.

Braided and Beautiful

Braids can be seen as one of the most versatile hairstyles you can choose for your wedding day. They can be used in more of a formal hairstyle, and even look a little playful if that’s what you’re aiming for. Whether you wear your braids in the back, side or front, or if you want a french braid or fishtail, consider a braided hairstyle for your wedding.

shiny hair extensionsLove Your Curls

The majority of brides will incorporate some level of curls in their wedding day hairstyle. And the ones who don’t likely give them a strong consideration. Many brides will use shiny hair extensions for the sole purpose of creating the curly hairstyle they’ve always dreamed about. Use a quality sulfate free shampoo and conditioner the night before and your hairstyle will be shiny and luscious on your wedding day.

Half Up, Half Down

This hairstyle incorporates light waves or curls that are pulled up partially. It’s best used with longer hair, so you may need to invest in some shiny hair extensions if this is the style you desire. The half up, half down style can be seen as casual, but it’s easy to transform it into the formal wedding hairstyle by adding more curls or waves.


Brides who have outdoor weddings often consider going with the side-swept hairstyle. The main reason is because it won’t be in your face as much when the wind blows, but another reason is because it simply looks amazing. Your hairstyle, facial features and dress are all highlighted with this hairstyle, so grab your shiny hair extensions and make it happen.

Formal and Traditional

When you can’t decide what hairstyle you want for your wedding day, you can’t go wrong with the formal and traditional style. This can involve curls or waves that are secured higher on the head so you won’t have to worry about touching it up throughout the day. With the right amount of hair products for Remy hair, it’s the lowest-maintenance hairstyle that looks perfect for formal events like your wedding.

RemySoft has all the hair products for Remy hair you could ever need to create the perfect wedding day hairstyle of your dreams. We work with brides all the time to make recommendations and suggestions about how they can transform their hair to create memories of a lifetime. If your wedding day is on the horizon, don’t hesitate to contact us at any time to talk about your hairstyle options.

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Are You Causing Unnecessary Damage to Your Hair?

You likely work very hard to protect and keep your hair looking shiny and healthy. You may use a hydrating shampoo and other products to keep it healthy, but sometimes it’s the overlooked tools and actions you take that could be damaging your hair. Hair damage is unavoidable to some extent. The main thing you want to do is be conscious of the products and tools you use on your hair and limit them to only the amount you need. Otherwise, you could be causing unnecessary damage. Here are some of the most common things people do to cause hair damage and not even know it.

Too Much Sun Exposure

With the spring season here and summer just around the corner, you’ll likely be spending much more time outdoors. You may have numerous different hairstyles picked out already for different events, but think about your sun protection for hair as well. Too much sun exposure can make your hair become dry and brittle, and can even change the color of it. Opting to wear a hat or staying in the shade as much as possible will protect your hair enough to prevent significant damage.

protective hair serum

Relying on Heat Tools

Heat styling is an essential part of many people’s hair care routines. While tools like flat irons, curlers and hair dryers are extremely effective, they can also be damaging. Using a protective hair serum will help; however, using a lower heat setting will also reduce the risk of damaging your hair. These heat tools can burn your hair, make it brittle and dry and even have the opposite effect by making your hair frizzy. Investing in more expensive tools with different heat settings will be well worth it to protect your hair.

Trying Too Hard With Your Hair

There are plenty of products on the market you can use for your hair. However, it doesn’t mean you should try them all. Many times all you need to start off with is a quality hydrating shampoo. The more products you use, the more chemical exposure your hair will get. Chances are it will get damaged to some extent over time, so try to limit product usage as much as possible and only use the highest quality products.

RemySoft knows how hard it can be to style your hair perfectly without causing unnecessary damage. We want you to feel comfortable with your hair and at least be conscious of the products and tools you use every day. Whether you need tips on sun protection for hair or anything else, we are here for you. Be sure to contact us any time for more tips and advice on how to better protect your hair and make it look fantastic any time of year.

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What Determines How Often You Need a Haircut?

There’s no rule of thumb when it comes to how often you should get a haircut. Most of the time it depends on the length of your hair, but it can also be determined by how you want to style your hair. Sometimes your hair products for Remy hair may not be as effective as they used to be, which is a sure sign it’s time for a haircut. Here are some points to consider when you aren’t sure whether you are due for a haircut or not, depending on your hair type and style.

Long and Straight Hair

People with long and straight hair can usually wait up to 12 weeks between haircuts. This is especially true if you use a great sulfate free shampoo to take care of it and keep your hair hydrated as much as possible. The main things to watch out for are split ends and the strands becoming dry or brittle. These characteristics may require more frequent haircuts, but you should still be able to go several weeks before getting your next one.

Long Layered Hair

Long layered hair may require more frequent haircuts, but can still generally be spaced out 6-8 weeks apart. Layered hair can sometimes require a few different hair products for Remy hair, depending on the style you’re going for any given day. Many people with long layered hair will just get a new haircut whenever they want to change up their style, since the layers give plenty of styling options.

hair products for remy hairBob or Pixie Cuts

Shorter hairstyles like bobs or pixie cuts may require a haircut every 4-6 weeks. The reason is because these hairstyles are designed to have shorter hair and will be difficult to achieve when the hair grows out. Even incorporating different hair products for Remy hair won’t be able to make up for the added length, so schedule your haircuts accordingly.

Damaged Hair

People with damaged hair for any reason should schedule monthly haircuts to prevent the damage from getting worse. Using a protective hair serum in conjunction with frequent haircuts will help protect the damaged hair as much as possible as the new hair continues growing.

RemySoft not only offers the best hair products for Remy hair to make you look great, but we also enjoy providing advice to our customers. The secret to a perfect hairstyle goes well beyond products, and we want to help you achieve the unique style you’ve always desired. To learn more about our products and for other tips and advice, don’t hesitate to contact us at any time.

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Create Silky and Bouncy Hair This Summer

Having silky and bouncy hair just feels like a summer hairstyle. These features are naturally easy to achieve for some people, but others may require a significant alteration to their quality hair care routine to get the desired appearance. When your hair is shiny, voluminous and healthy looking, you have many different options when it comes to your hairstyles. Here are some basic tips to help you achieve the silky and bouncy hair you desire for the summer.

Start With The Right Shampoo

Using the best sulfate free shampoo you can find is the first basic step for creating luscious hair this summer. Sulfate free shampoo will prevent dry hair, since it won’t strip the natural oils from your hair like other shampoo does. Plus, your hair will be much easier to work with and will have a naturally silky appearance just by using sulfate free shampoo a couple times each week.

best sulfate free shampooDon’t Brush Wet Hair

Brushing hair when it’s wet can cause more harm than good. Even minor tangles in your hair can be hard to brush through when your hair is wet, and when you do so, you increase the chances of the hair breaking significantly. Instead, blow dry your hair on a cool setting or allow it to air dry if you have the time. Then use your fingers or a wide tooth comb to gently brush through your hair. This will prevent the hair from breaking and will keep it looking fuller and bouncier.

Sleep With Braids

If you want to go with a bouncy look one day, consider putting your hair in loose braids the night before and sleeping in them. When you use the best sulfate free shampoo beforehand, you’ll wake up with naturally wavy hair that doesn’t require a lot of quality hair care products. And since you won’t have to brush your hair or work with it much at all, it will look bouncy and have some extra volume.

Avoid Elastic Bands

Elastic and rubber bands in your hair can break fragile hair and even rip some hair out. It’s easy and tempting to use these items because they are convenient and quick to use during summer outings. Instead, pull your hair back in a bun using clips to hold it in place. This will protect your hair much more and you’ll appreciate it when you need a shiny and bouncy look in the near future.

RemySoft is your one-stop-shop for everything you’ll need to create the hairstyle you desire this summer. We can help you develop a great quality hair care routine and provide you with all the products you need to have silky and bouncy hair at all times. Don’t hesitate to contact us at any time to learn more about our products or to get hair care advice.

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Controlling the Annoying Cowlick

A cowlick is something not many men or women actually like to have. While cowlicks are most noticeable with men who have shorter hair, women sometimes have to deal with them as well. Sometimes it seems like no matter how much time you spend with your quality hair care routine, your cowlick makes your hairstyle look like a mess. We understand the challenges you’re going through, and have some advice to offer in this regard.

Invest in The Right Hair Styling Tools

One of the best hair styling tools you can have for taming your cowlick is a basic hair dryer. Many times the constant blowing of air on your cowlick can change the direction of how you want it. However, it’s possible this won’t be a permanent solution, depending on how stubborn yours is, so you may have to incorporate other hair products for Remy hair when you do get it in place.

Grow Your Hair Out

The shorter your hair is, the more noticeable your cowlick will naturally be. Longer hair weighs more and makes it more difficult for the cowlick to point in a different direction or stick up. Ask your stylist for some quality hair care suggestions for growing your hair out so you won’t have to deal with your cowlick again, but still have stylish hair.

hair products for remy hairIncrease The Weight of Your Hair

If you want to keep your short hair, another way to increase the weight of your hair is by using a leave-in conditioner. The leave-in conditioner will weigh it down just enough to keep the cowlick under control. It works by continuing to build up the oils in your hair to create extra weight and not give the cowlick the opportunity to mess up your perfect hairstyle.

Adjust Your Style to Your Cowlick

Sometimes you just have to pick your battles and decide which ones to fight and which ones to deal with. If you’ve seemingly tried everything and can’t tame your cowlick or don’t want to deal with trying to weigh your hair down, try adjusting your hairstyle to accommodate it. For example, if your cowlick always points in one direction, make the rest of your hair go in that direction. If it sticks straight up, then consider a spiky hairstyle to make it blend in. There are plenty of options to choose from based on your own style and tastes.

RemySoft knows the struggles of dealing with the dreaded cowlick. That’s why we offer the best hair products for Remy hair to help you work with it and be confident in your hairstyle. To learn more about our product offerings, or for hairstyle advice of any kind, don’t hesitate to contact us at any time.

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How to Prevent Sweaty Hair

Warmer temperatures are right around the corner, which means you’ll likely be spending more time outside in the sun. We all love certain aspects about spring and summer, but we can also all agree we don’t like the excessive humidity and heat that comes with it. You have to constantly apply a protective hair serum to protect your hair from the sun’s rays, and also to prevent your hair from becoming a sweaty mess. The inevitable sweat and humidity can do a number of different undesirable things to your hairstyle, but there are some things you can try to prevent your hair from being a sweaty mess over the next several months.

Use Water-Resistant Hair Products

Many hair products for Remy hair have water-resistant properties in order to help you fight sweat. Water-based products will only make the problem worse, so be sure to look for this key feature when choosing your hair products. Depending on how much you sweat, you could also benefit from a quality leave-in conditioner and continue applying it to your hair during the course of the day.

Limit Shampoo Usage and Use The Right Shampoo

The right sulfate free shampoo and conditioner is the foundation to any great hairstyle. Not only will it make your hair easier to style, but it will also help fight off sweat when used properly. Shampooing too much can strip away the natural oils in your hair, potentially cause damage to it and allow sweat to affect it more. Limiting your shampoo usage to a couple times every week will keep your hair healthy by retaining the right amount of oil for better protection and easier styling.

hair products for remy hairUse Hot Air To Dry Your Hair

Hot air from a blow dryer will often solve the problem of sweaty hair quickly. Sweat can create some nasty tangles and undesired curls in your hair, but a blow dryer can get rid of them. Plus, blow drying your hair can get it in the best condition for using your hair products for Remy hair and make them more effective.

At RemySoft, we know how to handle every situation when it comes to your hair. We will always provide you with accurate advice, whether it’s the type of sulfate free shampoo and conditioner you choose or the way you go about styling your hair. Our goal is to ensure you are happy with your hairstyle and help you with any struggles you face along the way. Don’t hesitate to contact us at any time for tips or tricks on creating the hairstyle you want.

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