Having silky and bouncy hair just feels like a summer hairstyle. These features are naturally easy to achieve for some people, but others may require a significant alteration to their quality hair care routine to get the desired appearance. When your hair is shiny, voluminous and healthy looking, you have many different options when it comes to your hairstyles. Here are some basic tips to help you achieve the silky and bouncy hair you desire for the summer.

Start With The Right Shampoo

Using the best sulfate free shampoo you can find is the first basic step for creating luscious hair this summer. Sulfate free shampoo will prevent dry hair, since it won’t strip the natural oils from your hair like other shampoo does. Plus, your hair will be much easier to work with and will have a naturally silky appearance just by using sulfate free shampoo a couple times each week.

best sulfate free shampooDon’t Brush Wet Hair

Brushing hair when it’s wet can cause more harm than good. Even minor tangles in your hair can be hard to brush through when your hair is wet, and when you do so, you increase the chances of the hair breaking significantly. Instead, blow dry your hair on a cool setting or allow it to air dry if you have the time. Then use your fingers or a wide tooth comb to gently brush through your hair. This will prevent the hair from breaking and will keep it looking fuller and bouncier.

Sleep With Braids

If you want to go with a bouncy look one day, consider putting your hair in loose braids the night before and sleeping in them. When you use the best sulfate free shampoo beforehand, you’ll wake up with naturally wavy hair that doesn’t require a lot of quality hair care products. And since you won’t have to brush your hair or work with it much at all, it will look bouncy and have some extra volume.

Avoid Elastic Bands

Elastic and rubber bands in your hair can break fragile hair and even rip some hair out. It’s easy and tempting to use these items because they are convenient and quick to use during summer outings. Instead, pull your hair back in a bun using clips to hold it in place. This will protect your hair much more and you’ll appreciate it when you need a shiny and bouncy look in the near future.

RemySoft is your one-stop-shop for everything you’ll need to create the hairstyle you desire this summer. We can help you develop a great quality hair care routine and provide you with all the products you need to have silky and bouncy hair at all times. Don’t hesitate to contact us at any time to learn more about our products or to get hair care advice.