Caring for your hair doesn’t have to be difficult. The first step is identifying the type of hair you have, so you can match the right hair products for Remy hair to go with it. If you have oily hair, but use a product designed for people with dry hair, then you’ll be facing an uphill battle every day. Luckily it’s pretty easy to identify the main three types of hair. And once you do so, you can find the right products to help create any hairstyle you desire. Here are the three different hair types and how to care for them.

hair products for remy hairDry Hair

Dry hair will generally be brittle, have split ends and be frizzy often. Some people naturally have dry hair, but it can also be caused by extensive sun exposure or using harsh hair care products. The first step in caring for your dry hair is to use a good sulfate free shampoo and conditioner, but limit the use to a couple times each week. The more you shampoo your dry hair, the drier it will get. You could also consider getting deep conditioning treatments and other treatments to eliminate some of the dryness.

Oily Hair

Oily hair can be the hardest to style at times. It will often look flat, lifeless and dull no matter how much effort you put into it. No matter how many times you use sulfate free shampoo and conditioner each week, chances are your oily hair will return in a day or two. The best way to care for oily hair is to avoid touching your hair because the oils on your skin transfer to your hair. You can also wash your hair under colder water, since warm water stimulates oil production. There are also great hair products for Remy hair you can experiment with to see which ones your hair reacts favorably with.

Normal Hair

Lucky people with normal hair can identify it because they don’t have common hair problems, like hair loss, dry hair, oily hair and other hair or scalp issues. You can protect your normal hair by incorporating a protective hair serum, using a sulfate free shampoo and conditioner and eating a healthy diet. Not everyone has normal hair, so if you fall into this category, you should do whatever you can to maintain it.

At RemySoft, we are the experts in helping our customers identify their hair types and matching the perfect hair products for Remy hair with it. In most situations, finding the right combination can help people have a more normal hair type. To learn more about how we can help you care for your hair no matter what type you have, contact us today.