Brazilian Blowouts are fairly new hair treatments, but they have taken the world by storm. Not only do they appear to be highly effective, there’s also a certain amount of controversy associated with them as well. These treatments originated in the hot and humid climate of Brazil and were designed to eliminate frizzy hair and protect it from getting damaged by the elements. If you’ve struggled to find a quality hair care routine to tame down your frizzy hair, a Brazilian Blowout may catch your attention. Here’s what you need to know about these treatments.

Are Brazilian Blowouts Safe?

The ultimate question about safety surrounds the ingredients and chemicals used in Brazilian Blowouts. Liquid keratin and formaldehyde are two of the most controversial ingredients, as they are linked to being harmful to our health. But as Brazilian Blowout treatments have evolved, the amount of harmful chemicals used in each treatment has decreased to the point where it’s no longer an issue. However, stylists may use different products, so it’s important to ask them about their products and the ingredients in them if you are concerned.

sulfate free shampoo and conditionerWhat To Know About Brazilian Blowout Treatments

If you’re tired of wearing hair extensions to hide your frizzy natural hair, spending some time in the salon and getting a Brazilian Blowout treatment may be worth it for you. The treatment can take up to two hours depending on your hair type, length, thickness and other factors. It’s recommended to wash your hair with a sulfate free shampoo and conditioner thoroughly, and your stylist will likely do the same before beginning the treatment. Once the hair is washed, the Brazilian Blowout formula is applied to every strand of hair from the tip to the root and sealed in with a blow dryer and flat iron. 

Expected Results

Your stylist will suggest not washing your hair for at least 48 hours to ensure the treatment is as effective as it can be. And when you do wash your hair, it’s important to use a sulfate free shampoo and conditioner since it is gentler on the hair and will maximize the lifespan of your Brazilian Blowout treatment. Successful treatments will leave your hair feeling and looking soft, healthy and sleek. Stylists have different quality hair care techniques they use, so communicate with them on how you want your hair to look and the best ways to take care of it to maximize your results.

RemySoft believes you have to change up your quality hair care routine occasionally to keep your hair looking fresh. A Brazilian Blowout isn’t for everyone, but it could be the answer you’ve been looking for if you constantly struggle with frizzy hair. Treatments are much safer than when they first began more than a decade ago, but feel free to contact us at any time if you have questions or concerns before getting one.