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Category Archives: sulfate free shampoo and conditioner

3 Ways to Get Your Hair Looking Fabulous in a Snap

One of the things that tends to get sacrificed when in a rush is a great hairstyle. With the busy lives we all have, spending hours perfecting your hairstyle simply isn’t realistic sometimes. The good news is you can still make your hair look great when you only have a few minutes to spare. Whether it’s adding shiny hair extensions, changing up your shampoo or adding a little something extra to your hair, here are our top three ways you can make you hair look fabulous when you’re in a pinch.

shiny hair extensionsAdd Hair Extensions

Incorporating shiny hair extensions will not only add length, but they will also give you some additional volume. And if you want to take the extensions to the next level, you can even pre-curl them so you can have instantly curly hair when you clip them in. Sometimes you simply don’t have the time to run a curling iron or straightener through your hair, so let hair extensions come to your rescue.

Incorporate Leave-In Conditioner

A quality leave-in conditioner provides many benefits for your hair. And when you pair it with the best sulfate free shampoo, you’ll get even better results. Working with your hair is difficult when it’s dry and frizzy. When you don’t have time to deal with your hair, it can create some unnecessary stress in your life. The combination of leave-in conditioner and sulfate free shampoo can ensure your hair is always healthy and hydrated so it’s easier to work with at any time.


When all else fails, you can always add some accessories to your hair to cover up any flaws. There are hundreds of different ways you can style your hair, and adding a crown, flower or any other hairpiece can make it look like you spent hours on it. The combination of shiny hair extensions and accessories can make your hair look fabulous for any occasion.

RemySoft knows it can be difficult to spend the amount of time you want to on your hair. We are here to help you with the products you need to achieve the hairstyle you desire. If you constantly feel like you’re rushing your hairstyle, be sure to contact us to see how our products, tips and advice can help you make your hair look great at any time.

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Are You Using the Best Shampoo for Your Hair?

Do you ever feel like you’re facing an uphill battle when it comes to making your hair look great? Sometimes it seems like you’ve done everything possible, and used every product you can think of, to make your hair look how you want it to. When the results you desire simply aren’t there, consider making a simple change to your shampoo. You may need a hydrating shampoo if you have dry hair, or the best sulfate free shampoo if you have damaged hair. Here are some tips for knowing whether you are using the best shampoo for your hair type.

When to Use Hydrating Shampoo

It’s virtually impossible to style dry hair. However, you can reduce the dryness by washing it with hydrating shampoo. This shampoo will help you add and maintain some of the oils in your hair to tame down the frizz and make it easier to work with your hair. Plus, hydrated hair is always healthier, so you’ll have that going for you as well.

When to Use Sulfate Free Shampoo

There’s never a bad time to use the best sulfate free shampoo you can find. In fact, one of the basic components to a quality hair care routine is using shampoo free of sulfates, which can damage your hair. It’s especially important to use sulfate free shampoo if you have colored hair, treated hair, a sensitive scalp or dry and frizzy hair. But even if you don’t have any of these problems, the best sulfate free shampoo is still recommended because of the many benefits it provides to keep your hair healthy.

hydrating shampooShould You Switch Shampoos Frequently?

Many people change their shampoo too often. Your hair changes with every season, so it’s possible you need to change your shampoo during those times as well. If a certain shampoo isn’t working for you when you’ve tried it for a couple days, give it a few more weeks. You won’t truly know whether a shampoo is or isn’t working for you unless you have a larger sample size than just a few days. With a little trial and error, you’ll be able to find the best shampoo for your hair for every season.

RemySoft is here to help you find the best shampoo to enhance your quality hair care routine. With so many products available today, shampoo is one of the most overlooked product. Your shampoo is the basis of any hairstyle, so you owe it to yourself to find the best for you. Feel free to contact us for advice or other tips on the best shampoo for your specific hair type.

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Hair Facts You Never Knew

We all try to do our very best for our hair, but sometimes certain things simply don’t work. Hair seems so simple to understand, yet when you try to style it a certain way, or think a quality hair care product will take solve a problem you’re having, it doesn’t work. There are many facts about hair people don’t know and some may be affecting your daily hair routine. Here are some of the surprising facts you can store away in your memory.

hydrating shampooCutting Hair Doesn’t Make It Grow Faster

When your hair gets a certain length or starts developing split ends, you may have heard to cut it to make it grow faster. This is one of the most common myths, because cutting your hair doesn’t make it grow any faster. It’s true that split ends can stop your hair from growing, but it will still grow at the same pace once you cut it.

The Hair You See Is Already Dead

The hair you style and spend time washing with hydrating shampoo to make it look lively is already dead. The only living hair on our head is still inside our scalp and can’t even be seen. This is one of the main reasons why you hear about getting proper nutrients for your hair to look great. The hair you can’t see is the part that’s alive and taking advantage of those nutrients.

Warmer Climates Can Make Hair Grow More Quickly

Although your diet, genetics and other factors play the largest roles in the pace of your hair growth, living in a warmer climate can actually make it grow quicker as well. Warmer climates promote circulation in the body, which encourages your hair to grow faster. Combining a quality hair care routine with living in a warmer climate can maximize the growth of your hair.

Water Can Make Hair Stretch

When a strand of hair gets wet, it can expand by up to 30% of its regular length. You may clearly notice this after you get finished using your great sulfate free shampoo after a shower. Your hair will likely appear to be longer until it dries out. This isn’t your imagination. Hair actually does expand and shrink depending on how wet or dry it is.

RemySoft knows all the facts about quality hair care and how hair grows most effectively. Hair is more complex than people think, and it’s easy to make simple mistakes. If you’re struggling with finding the perfect combination of products, or need a place to start regarding your hair care, feel free to contact us at any time.

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How to Create Curls That Last All Day

If you don’t have naturally curly hair, you may have tried everything to get curls that last all day. You may walk out of the house with perfect curls you’re proud of, but then have a wavy mess by noon. This is a problem many people have, and it could be solved by using the right hair products for Remy hair. There are several different techniques you can try to create long-lasting curls. Here are a few of them to consider when trying to see which works best for you.

protective hair serum

Start With a Trim

Split ends and other hair damage don’t work well with curls. So if you haven’t had a trim in a while, you may be fighting a losing battle when trying to curl your hair. Once you get your hair trimmed, incorporate the best sulfate free shampoo and conditioner you can find into your hair washing routine. Doing these two things will help get your hair in the best position possible to hold your curls much longer than normal.

Help Your Curls With The Right Products

In addition to a good sulfate free shampoo and conditioner, other products like protective hair serum, hairspray and similar products will help. The protective hair serum is important to extend the body of your curls, since it will protect your hair from the heat of the curling iron more. Which brings us to our next point. Having a good curling iron could make a big difference in how your curls look as well. The right temperature with a quality curling iron will prevent damage to your hair and make your curls stick much longer.

Allow Your Curls to Cool

The most important secret to long-lasting curls is letting each one cool down significantly before you let it go. This method takes some time, but your patience will be rewarded. When you make a curl, immediately hold it together with a bobby pin. Allow the curl to remain secured for a few minutes so it can set in place completely. You’ll be amazed at the immediate results and how much longer your curls will last throughout the day.

At RemySoft, we want to help everyone achieve the hairstyle they desire. Whether it’s suggesting the right hair products for Remy hair or simply giving advice, we are pleased and honored to be able to help. Feel free to contact us to learn more about the products needed for curly hair or any other advice to help transform your hair.

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5 Different Ways to Use Hair Extensions

Whether you’ve considered investing in hair extensions for a while or not, there’s definitely a whole new world of hairstyles available for you when you have them. They aren’t used solely to add length to your hair. Extensions allow you to experiment with colors, add volume, achieve better braids and more. Here are five ways you can use hair extensions.

how to care for hair extensionsAdd Length

This is the most common reason why people choose extensions. They can provide an instant result when you’re looking to achieve longer hair and don’t want to wait until your hair grows out.

Add Volume

Many people use various products to help add volume to their hair. While this method can work effectively, so can incorporating hair extensions. Adding a little extra body can give your hairstyle the voluminous look you desire. Just be sure to use the best shampoo and conditioner for extensions to care for them so they will be effective for a long time.

Experiment With Colors

Have you thought about coloring your hair or incorporating highlights, but are too nervous to commit to it? Hair extensions can be your temporary solution without having to color your natural hair. Once you learn how to care for hair extensions, you can experiment with different colors without having to worry about damaging them.

Achieve Thicker and Longer Braids

We all want to have those thick and long braids we’ve seen in magazines and on television. Believe it or not, some of those braids you see are the result of hair extensions! Experiment with different types of braids with your extensions until you find the look you desire and you’ll have the perfect results in no time.

Add A New Dimension to Your Hairstyle

It’s amazing what extensions can do to transform even the simplest hairstyle. Even a ponytail or a messy bun can be transformed by adding body and volume with extensions. The best part about them is you can experiment however much you want until you find the look you’re going for.

RemySoft is here to help you with all things hair extensions. Whether you need to learn how to care for hair extensions or if you’re in need of the best shampoo and conditioner for extensions, we’ve got the answers and solutions for you. Be sure to contact us at any time for more tips about extensions or your hair in general.

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Creating Heatless Waves this Fall

Having a wavy hairstyle can give you a certain amount of confidence, not to mention waves are great for any occasion. But if your hair isn’t naturally wavy, you may have to apply heat from a curling iron or other sources to create the waves you desire. The problem with this is you could eventually damage your hair with too much heat. The good news is there are some alternatives available, including heatless waves. Here are some different ways to create heatless waves, whether your hair is naturally long or you’re working with hair extensions.

Use Clip-In Hair Extensions

The best way to make heatless waves with your hair extensions is to braid them the night before. Then when you undo the braids in the morning, you’ll have a naturally curly appearance ready to be clipped in. The great thing about clip-in hair extensions is they are extremely versatile and you can easily create a wavy hairstyle without running the risk of damaging them with a curling iron.

hair extensionsKeep It Simple

Everyone’s hair is different, and it reacts differently to certain elements as a result. You may be able to pull off the perfect wavy hairstyle this fall by simply going to bed with damp hair. Using a great sulfate free shampoo combined with a leave-in conditioner may be all you need. If you’re lucky enough to have hair that can be styled this way, keep it as simple as possible to create great looking heatless waves.

Incorporate Braids

People who aren’t fortunate enough to be able to create natural wavy hair can use braids to get their waves. Simply braid your hair however you’d like before you go to bed. Then when you release the braid in the morning, run your fingers through your hair to give it the bounce and volume you desire. This process is similar to using hair extensions, but you can generally get more volume from your natural hair.

RemySoft not only wants to help you achieve the hairstyle you want, but we also want to ensure your hair remains healthy in the process. If you constantly use a significant amount of heat on your hair, you could be damaging it to the point where a great sulfate free shampoo won’t even help. Consider contacting us for advice on how to create the perfect wavy hair this fall without running the risk of damaging your natural hair, or your hair extensions.

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Celebrity Inspired Short Ombré Hair

great sulfate free shampooIf you’re looking for something a little different to do with your hair, but don’t want to do anything too drastic, ombré hair may be an option for you. Many women believe ombré hair is only suitable for people with longer hair, but with the right quality hair care products, you can pull off ombré hair with a short haircut as well.

How do you know what a particular ombré hairstyle will do for you? This style is becoming popular among different celebrities, so let’s take a look at some of the celebrity inspired short ombré hair so you can get a feel for the options you have available to you.

Jessica Alba

Jessica Alba pulled off a slightly less than shoulder-length ombré hairstyle. Her brown hair with golden undertones are nothing short of flattering, and it’s clear she uses a great sulfate free shampoo to make her hair look healthy and flawless. Subtle and classy is the best way to describe Jessica’s hairstyle.

Miley Cyrus

Miley Cyrus has taken the ombré hair to a different level. Instead of a gradual fade of colors, she has gone more with a dyed-tip look. With brown hair on top and white tips at the end, this hairstyle is definitely going to make you stand out in a crowd. If you’re not shy about having a noticeable hairstyle to draw attention to yourself, try to replicate Miley’s short ombré hair.


Beyoncé is an idol for many women, and her ombré hair should be idolized as well. Her dark brown roots are shown, but quickly transitions into a golden blonde from the top of her head all the way to the tips. You can pull off this look too with a little protective hair serum and experimenting with different styles.

Vanessa Hudgens

What makes Vanessa Hudgens’ short ombré hair unique is it incorporates three different colors instead of the traditional two. It starts on top with black, slowly transitions to brown and then quickly ends with a blonde color at the tips. At first glance, you may not even realize the trio of colors, but it’s definitely a unique look when replicated.

RemySoft wants you to achieve the hairstyle you desire at any time, which is why we have all the quality hair care products you would ever need. Replicating a celebrity’s hairstyle is always fun, especially when you’re trying to create short ombré hair. Be sure to contact us to see which hair products you need, or if you need tips on how to pull off a certain style.

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The Right Men’s Haircut for Every Face Shape

Getting the right haircut can be a challenge for men. You may see a haircut you like on someone, but then when you get the same exact cut, it just doesn’t look as good on you. The likely reason for this happening is because your face shape simply isn’t suited for that type of haircut. No matter which hair products for Remy hair you use, it could be impossible to make a haircut look great if you don’t take the shape of your face into consideration. Here are the best haircuts to use depending on what the shape of your face is.

Round Face Shape

Since your round face doesn’t have a lot of angles or definition, your hairstyle can make up for it. Going with a square haircut is a perfect complement to the round shape of your face. Adding in a little volume or texture will also help incorporate some uniqueness, but be sure to use a quality sulfate free shampoo and conditioner to keep it looking healthy and voluminous.

Square Face Shape

A square face shape generally calls for a shorter haircut. Consider going with a close fade, shorter layers, buzz cuts, French crops or side partings. Your face already has plenty of angles to it, so going with a simpler haircut is the best option here. Just make sure to use the proper quality hair care products, no matter which type of haircut you choose.

Oval Face Shapequality hair care

An oval face shape isn’t desirable by many men, but there are plenty of options for haircuts to consider. The one trick is to keep the hair pulled back from the forehead to put emphasis on the top of the head and create more angles and volume. You could opt for a side-swept look or slick it straight back. Volume is what you’re going for with an oval face shape, so using the right hair products for Remy hair will help you achieve it.

Rectangle Face Shape

Men with a rectangle face shape don’t want their haircut to make their face look even longer. The key with this face shape is to not cut the sides too short and be proportioned well overall. You can still add volume or texture to achieve the hairstyle you desire, but having your haircut medium length all the way around will give you the best results.

RemySoft has the quality hair care products men need for any haircut they desire. We understand the challenges of finding the right haircut for your face shape, so we are here to help. Feel free to reach out to us at any time if you need advice or recommendations on the perfect haircut or products to go with your hair.

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Top 5 Daily Hair Mistakes You Could be Making

Going through a bad hair day happens, but most of the time it’s avoidable. Many of the mistakes people make with their hair could be prevented by using the right hair product, or by making a simple adjustment to their hair care routine. Whether you have dry hair, frizzy hair or simply can’t get your hair how you want it to look, here are some of the top mistakes you may be making with your hair and not even know it.

dry hairNot Cutting Your Hair Enough

You have to trim your hair periodically for it to continue growing health and strong. Waiting too long between trims could promote split ends and other issues. You don’t have to get a dramatic haircut often, but you do need to visit your salon every couple of months to have the strongest and healthiest hair possible.

Using The Wrong Shampoo

Overlooking the importance of a quality sulfate free shampoo and conditioner is one of the biggest mistakes people make. Shampoo with sulfate can actually cause more harm than good, so those need to be avoided as much as possible. Switching shampoos could be your solution to healthier looking hair.

Not Keeping Your Hair Moisturized

Dry hair is a common problem people have with their hair. Most of the time, using the proper sulfate free shampoo and conditioner will keep your hair moisturized properly. But if it still seems like your hair is too dry, consider incorporating a leave-in conditioner.

Brushing Too Much or Too Early

Brushing your hair while it’s wet is another common mistake. It’s easy to get in a rush and brush your hair right when you get out of the shower, but you need to wait until your hair is about 70% dry before brushing. Otherwise, you could be removing all of the good nutrients and treatments you just added to your hair with the shampoo and conditioner. Plus, brushing too much could cause you to have a frizzy mess.


Using the proper sulfate free shampoo and conditioner is important, but using too much of it may not be the best option either, depending on your hair. Too much shampoo can cause dry hair and make it difficult to style. Instead, switch up your routine and only shampoo your hair once every few days for better results.

RemySoft is here to help you prevent some of the most common mistakes from happening to your hair. Whether you need a good quality leave-in conditioner or just need to talk through your hair care routine, we are here for you. Be sure to contact us when you’re struggling with any aspect of your hair.

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Are You Doing Your Best to Have Healthy Looking Hair?

We all try our best to have the healthiest looking hair possible. Sometimes, though, it’s possible you’re trying too hard and actually causing more harm than good. Using the best hair products for Remy hair will give you healthy looking hair, but you always have to be careful to not overuse them. Here are a few things you should be doing, and in some cases, not be doing, to have the healthiest looking hair you desire.

Shampoo Less Frequently

If you’re constantly in a battle with dry hair or other issues, it’s possible you’re shampooing too much. Start off with a quality sulfate free shampoo, but decrease the frequency of your hair washing to only 2-3 times per week. Washing more often than this could strip the natural oils produced by your hair and eventually lead to split ends, possibly dry hair and even a dull looking appearance. The frequency of your hair washing is just as important as the type of shampoo you use.

Use Sun Protection For Hair

Contrary to popular belief, sun exposure is actually good for your hair. However, this is only true to an extent, as too much sun can cause hair damage. One of the quality hair care products you should always have in your collection is good sun protection for your hair. Even if the temperature outside isn’t too warm, the sun beating down on your hair can still cause some damage if it’s not protected. Don’t avoid going outside, since the right amount of sun can help make your hair look great. Just be conscious of how long your hair is exposed to the sun to protect it when needed.

hair products for Remy hairUse Less Heat On Your Hair

Another quality hair care tip is to decrease the amount of heat used on your hair. If you use heat frequently and can’t seem to figure out why your hair isn’t looking the way you want it to, it may be because your hair straightener or other tool is too hot. Decreasing the temperature will retain the natural keratin in your hair, which will help it remain strong and healthy looking.

RemySoft has all the hair products for Remy hair you could need to maintain healthy hair. Sometimes a slight alteration to your quality hair care routine is all you need to get your hair looking healthy again. If you have any questions about your hair care routine or any products you may find helpful for healthy hair, don’t hesitate to contact us at any time.

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