great sulfate free shampooIf you’re looking for something a little different to do with your hair, but don’t want to do anything too drastic, ombré hair may be an option for you. Many women believe ombré hair is only suitable for people with longer hair, but with the right quality hair care products, you can pull off ombré hair with a short haircut as well.

How do you know what a particular ombré hairstyle will do for you? This style is becoming popular among different celebrities, so let’s take a look at some of the celebrity inspired short ombré hair so you can get a feel for the options you have available to you.

Jessica Alba

Jessica Alba pulled off a slightly less than shoulder-length ombré hairstyle. Her brown hair with golden undertones are nothing short of flattering, and it’s clear she uses a great sulfate free shampoo to make her hair look healthy and flawless. Subtle and classy is the best way to describe Jessica’s hairstyle.

Miley Cyrus

Miley Cyrus has taken the ombré hair to a different level. Instead of a gradual fade of colors, she has gone more with a dyed-tip look. With brown hair on top and white tips at the end, this hairstyle is definitely going to make you stand out in a crowd. If you’re not shy about having a noticeable hairstyle to draw attention to yourself, try to replicate Miley’s short ombré hair.


Beyoncé is an idol for many women, and her ombré hair should be idolized as well. Her dark brown roots are shown, but quickly transitions into a golden blonde from the top of her head all the way to the tips. You can pull off this look too with a little protective hair serum and experimenting with different styles.

Vanessa Hudgens

What makes Vanessa Hudgens’ short ombré hair unique is it incorporates three different colors instead of the traditional two. It starts on top with black, slowly transitions to brown and then quickly ends with a blonde color at the tips. At first glance, you may not even realize the trio of colors, but it’s definitely a unique look when replicated.

RemySoft wants you to achieve the hairstyle you desire at any time, which is why we have all the quality hair care products you would ever need. Replicating a celebrity’s hairstyle is always fun, especially when you’re trying to create short ombré hair. Be sure to contact us to see which hair products you need, or if you need tips on how to pull off a certain style.