If you think it’s impossible to achieve shiny and healthy hair, no matter how hard you try, you might be trying too hard. A common mistake people make is using too many hair products for Remy hair and being too rough with their hair care techniques without even knowing it. These things can result in dry, brittle and damaged hair and can be easily avoided. Here are some quick and easy tips for achieving shiny and healthy hair with very minimal effort.

Wash With The Right Shampoo And Conditioner

Using a sulfate free shampoo and conditioner is the first step in achieving healthy and shiny hair. Sulfates can be too harsh on the hair by stripping away the natural oils and can lead to dry hair. Also, consider washing your hair every 2-4 days rather than every day to give it a break and retain some of the oils to protect it. And regardless of whether your shampoo contains conditioners, it’s always a good thing to apply some leave-in conditioner for added protection and extra shine.

Turn Down The Water Temperature

When you take a hot shower, your hair cuticles open up and can lead to moisture loss. If you can’t help but take a hot shower, then consider blasting your hair with the coldest water you can stand at the end to seal the cuticles back up. Otherwise, try turning down the temperature of the water in general when washing your hair and you may see the shine in your hair get restored.

Be Gentle When Drying Hair

Using an abrasive bath towel against your hair can be too rough on the cuticles, especially when it is very wet. The first step when getting out of the shower should be to squeeze out as much water as you can so it is damp rather than soaked. Then pat it dry gently with a microfiber cloth or even a cotton shirt to prevent breakage to your hair strands. Applying leave-in conditioner immediately afterward will help protect it as well.

sulfate free shampoo and conditionerRemove Tangles Before Showering

Brushing through tangles in wet hair is a sure way to experience breakage and damage. You can significantly reduce the risk of damaging your hair by brushing gently through the tangles before getting in the shower. Then wash with your sulfate free shampoo and conditioner and your hair will be much easier to work with and maintain its shine when it’s time to style.

At RemySoft, we believe if caring for your hair seems to be too hard, it could be because you’re making it too hard. We all want our hair to look perfect, but sometimes the simplest techniques and adjustments create the best results. Overthinking your hair care routine is common, and we are here to help. Feel free to contact us at any time for other tips and ideas like these.