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The Correct Way to Clean Your Brush

Cleaning your hairbrush is likely something you don’t think about every day. Of course, it’s easy to see the hair that gets caught in it, but is it really a big deal to leave it in there a few days? The truth is time typically gets away from us, and what starts out as a few days of neglecting to clean our brushes turns into a few months quickly. A clean hairbrush is great for maintaining good hygiene and will make your sulfate free shampoo and conditioner more effective. Here are some tips for cleaning your hairbrush the right way.

dry hairStart By Removing Hair From The Brush

Before you even grab any supplies to clean your brush, it’s important to remove all the hair from it. If you have brittle and dry hair, you may have to take several minutes to do this, since it tends get stuck in the brush more often. Once you have the hair completely removed, you can move on to the next step in the cleaning process.

The Soaking Method

If your hairbrush doesn’t have any foam, wood, natural fibers or other similar materials, then the best cleaning method may be to soak it. Even a good sulfate free shampoo and conditioner can buildup on your brush if you don’t rinse the hair thoroughly enough, but soaking your brush can get rid of it. A simple solution of hot water, shampoo and baking soda provides all of the cleansing components you need to have a healthy brush. When you mix all of the ingredients together, allow the brush to soak in it for 20-30 minutes. This should remove a lot of the product buildup from the bristles before moving on to the next step.

Grab A Toothbrush

Regardless of whether you soaked your hairbrush or not, using a toothbrush can help you clean the small areas. The base of the brush and the bottom of the bristles can be difficult to clean with your fingers, but a toothbrush does a thorough job. Once you’ve cleaned it completely with the toothbrush, rinse it under cool water and allow it to dry before using it.

Always Be Gentle, But Thorough

Hair brushes can be delicate, especially the bristles. You don’t want to break any of the bristles since it could have an impact on its functionality. A thorough cleaning of any hairbrush is essential, but it’s also important to be gentle while you’re doing it. If you brush through hair extensions often, a thorough cleaning of your brush can work wonders in keeping them looking great for a long time.

At RemySoft, we understand what everyone goes through when dealing with their hair. We all want to have the best looking hair possible, but with the busy lives we have, it’s sometimes difficult to dedicate enough time to hair hygiene. If nothing else, use a great quality sulfate free shampoo and conditioner to prevent dry hair and you’ll have hair you can work with. For more tips and tricks like this, contact us at any time.

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Are You Using the Right Styling Tool for Your Hair?

Texture makes a huge difference in achieving the hairstyle you want on any given day. Sometimes you can spend hours on your hair and it ends up being a flat and dull mess. We’ve all been there, but one of the problems could be you aren’t using the right styling tools. The right tools can make your quality hair care routine more efficient, add the right amount of texture and create virtually any style you desire. Here are some of the most common tools you could be using, but may need to consider changing.

Basic Brushes and Combs

Everyone has combs and brushes in their portfolio of quality hair care products. A good detangling brush is one of the best investments you can make for your hair. Not only will it make your hair straight and easy to work with, but it will also ensure any products you use will be distributed evenly throughout your hair.

Depending on the hairstyle you’re aiming for, you will also benefit from a good wide-toothed comb. This comb is great for getting rid of tangles, but will still maintain your waves or curls. And the best wide-tooth combs are also gentle enough to be used with hair extensions, so be sure not to invest in the cheapest option.

Curling Irons

Getting quick curls is easy when you have the right curling iron. There are many different options available, but you want to ensure yours has a few different heat settings for flexibility. Curling irons that are too hot can damage your hair, especially if you have naturally dry hair or brittle hair. Plus, you don’t want your hair extensions to be damaged, so using the lowest heat setting is generally recommended.

dry hairHair Straighteners

Hair straighteners are by far the most common styling tool. Most of these tools are compact, quick and easy to use and can make your hair straight and sleek in a matter of minutes. A lot of hairstyles start out with straight hair, so using a good quality hair straightener could be the foundation of your desired style. If you can, invest in a ceramic straightener since it reduces the risk of damaging your hair and still creates great results.

RemySoft offers all the tools and quality hair care products you need to create the hairstyle you desire. And if for some reason we don’t have exactly what you’re looking for, we are happy to provide you with alternate tips on achieving the same result. To learn more about styling tools and finding the best products for your hairstyle, contact us today.

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The Ultimate Hair Brush Guide

If you’ve ever struggled with getting your hair exactly how you want it, the brush you have may be to blame. Many people focus on products and techniques, but overlook the main culprit in preventing you from pulling off the perfect hairstyle. Of course, using the best sulfate free shampoo and conditioner you can find is still extremely important. But combining products like those with a quality brush for your hair type will provide the best results. Here’s a quick guide for selecting the best brush for your hair.

Best Brush For Curly Hair

If you have curly hair, you shouldn’t use any brush other than a round one. The round shape gives you the ability to easily rotate your hair to maximize your natural curls without having to break out the curling iron. Plus, a common attribute of people with curly hair is they also experience dry hair. Using a round brush can help you style your hair more gently to prevent any damage to brittle and dry hair.

Best Brush for Smooth Hair

For long and smooth hair, consider a straight brush to help gently detangle the hair. Keeping your hair strands intact is always important, but especially so if you usually rock a smooth hairstyle. A straight detangler brush is the best option to create smooth hair without causing any damage, and can even be used with hair extensions in most cases.

Most Versatile Brush

No matter what hair type you have or what hairstyle you want to achieve, you have to have a mixed bristle brush in your collection. This type of brush is great for all hair types and is even gentle enough to be used with hair extensions. The combination of the boar and nylon bristles serve different purposes to provide comfort to your scalp, while also spreading out the natural oils throughout each strand of hair.

dry hairAre Cheap Brushes Worth It?

There are times where your hairstyle just isn’t that important to you, and we completely understand those days. Having a cheap multipurpose brush is good to have for days like those. However, if you’re wanting to achieve a certain hairstyle for an event or if you just want to make your hair look great, invest in a quality brush suited for your hair type.

RemySoft is here to help you create the hairstyle you desire. Whether you need help selecting the perfect brush, the best sulfate free shampoo and conditioner or have any questions pertaining to your hair, we have the expertise and knowledge to help you out. Feel free to contact us at any time for answers to your burning questions.

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Top 5 Daily Hair Mistakes You Could be Making

Going through a bad hair day happens, but most of the time it’s avoidable. Many of the mistakes people make with their hair could be prevented by using the right hair product, or by making a simple adjustment to their hair care routine. Whether you have dry hair, frizzy hair or simply can’t get your hair how you want it to look, here are some of the top mistakes you may be making with your hair and not even know it.

dry hairNot Cutting Your Hair Enough

You have to trim your hair periodically for it to continue growing health and strong. Waiting too long between trims could promote split ends and other issues. You don’t have to get a dramatic haircut often, but you do need to visit your salon every couple of months to have the strongest and healthiest hair possible.

Using The Wrong Shampoo

Overlooking the importance of a quality sulfate free shampoo and conditioner is one of the biggest mistakes people make. Shampoo with sulfate can actually cause more harm than good, so those need to be avoided as much as possible. Switching shampoos could be your solution to healthier looking hair.

Not Keeping Your Hair Moisturized

Dry hair is a common problem people have with their hair. Most of the time, using the proper sulfate free shampoo and conditioner will keep your hair moisturized properly. But if it still seems like your hair is too dry, consider incorporating a leave-in conditioner.

Brushing Too Much or Too Early

Brushing your hair while it’s wet is another common mistake. It’s easy to get in a rush and brush your hair right when you get out of the shower, but you need to wait until your hair is about 70% dry before brushing. Otherwise, you could be removing all of the good nutrients and treatments you just added to your hair with the shampoo and conditioner. Plus, brushing too much could cause you to have a frizzy mess.


Using the proper sulfate free shampoo and conditioner is important, but using too much of it may not be the best option either, depending on your hair. Too much shampoo can cause dry hair and make it difficult to style. Instead, switch up your routine and only shampoo your hair once every few days for better results.

RemySoft is here to help you prevent some of the most common mistakes from happening to your hair. Whether you need a good quality leave-in conditioner or just need to talk through your hair care routine, we are here for you. Be sure to contact us when you’re struggling with any aspect of your hair.

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Have You Ever Thought About Cleaning Your Hair Tools?

Anyone who is honest with themselves knows they don’t clean their hair tools as much as they should. It’s easy to just use a hairbrush and put it back in the drawer, but what about all the grime and product build-up that’s left behind on it?

Cleaning hair tools is an overlooked aspect of a quality hair care routine. If you spend the time to make your hair look great, then you don’t want to ruin it by using dirty hair tools. Here are some of the most common tools you need to clean and why it’s important to clean them.

quality hair careCleaning Your Hairbrushes

Hairbrushes collect oils from your hair, germs and dust particles from sitting on your bathroom counter. Then when you brush your hair, all of those things go directly into your hair. And if you use various hair products for Remy hair, you’ll have build-up from those products getting gummy on your brush bristles.

To clean your hairbrushes, simply fill up your sink with warm water and add in a little shampoo. Get as much hair out as you can and then let it soak in the sink. You may choose to use an old toothbrush to scrub the bristles, but at least let the brushes soak for a few hours.

Cleaning Your Curling Tools

Not cleaning your curling tools can create improper temperatures and could burn your hair. Before you start causing split ends accidentally, clean your curling tools with some warm water and a cloth. For best results, plug your tool in for just a minute to get it warm, then wipe it down after you unplug it. Hair products will remove more easily when they are warm.

Cleaning Hair Accessories

Don’t forget about cleaning your hair accessories! All of those hair ties, headbands and clips gather build-up from the hair products for Remy hair you use also. You just need to soak them in soapy water for a while and rub them off with a washcloth to keep them clean and fresh.

RemySoft is here to help you with all of your hair care needs. Whether you need a great sulfate free shampoo, or you need tips on cleaning your headbands, we are here for you. For more information on cleaning your hair tools or investing in the best hair products, be sure to contact us.

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How to Wash Your RemySoft Hair Brush

You need to exercise proper hair brush care too.

Proper hair brush care is essential to make your brush last longer.

Every hair lover has their favorite brush, but did you know there’s a vital step to your hair care routine you may be missing? It is important to wash and care for your favorite brushes on a regular basis in order to keep your hair or hair extensions looking as fabulous as ever. Proper hair brush care keeps your styling tools free of dust, oil and hair products for remy hair which can build up over time, affecting the way your brush performs.

To prevent build up from making your hair drab, RemySoft recommends cleaning your brush every few weeks or more if you use hair products for remy hair, as these will cause more build up. Hair brush care only takes a few minutes so there’s no excuse for not keeping your brush as nice and clean as your favorite hair extensions. Just follow our easy hair brush care guide to keep your styling tools in top shape!


First, you’ll need to grab a few things. You probably already have these tools on hand in your bathroom:

  • Your brush
  • Pen/pencil/makeup brush (something with a tapered end)
  • Scissors
  • Spray bottle with a mix of 1 part water and 1 part vinegar
  • A bowl
  • Sulfate-free cleansing or clarifying shampoo

Step One

Now that you have everything you need, we need to get rid of all that hair stuck in your brush! Use your pen/pencil/makeup brush underneath the hair and gently pull the dislodger upward until the hair loosens. Using your scissors, cut through the middle of the hair, carefully avoiding the bristles of your brush. Then simply remove all the extra hair! Repeat as many times as necessary until your brush is hair free.

Step Two

Take your spray bottle filled with water and vinegar and spray this mixture into your brush. After sitting for about five minutes, this magic mixture will begin to dislodge all of the buildup and excess hair products for remy hair on your brush.

Step Three

While your magic mixture is getting all the gunk off your brush, go ahead and fill up your bowl with some warm water and a tablespoon of your sulfate-free clarifying shampoo, such as RemySoft Moisturelab Hydrating Cleanser.

Step Four

Place your brush into the warm, soapy water and wash the brush and bristles thoroughly to get any remaining residue. Once your hair brush is free of all products and oils, rinse with warm water and allow it to air dry.

For more easy tips and tricks for keeping your wigs and hair extensions looking better than ever, contact us. RemySoft is the leader in hair products for remy hair.

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Benefits of Using a Boar Bristle Brush

Quality hair care means using the right brush.

Use the right hair brush for quality hair care.

There are a great number of hair brushes available on the market, but many of them, particularly those made with plastic or other extremely rigid bristles, may not be good for your hair, especially if you have hair extensions or other hair replacement pieces. Instead, using a boar bristle brush can be your best option for quality hair care. Learning the benefit of this type of brush, as well as proper hair brush care, will ensure your hair looks great and your brush lasts as long as possible.

A Natural Conditioner

One of the greatest advantages to boar bristle brushes is their natural conditioning qualities. Everyone knows the importance of using conditioner as part of a quality hair care routine. A brush made with boar bristles will draw natural oils from the scalp and carry it to the ends of your hair, improving texture and shine without additional products.

Reduces Frizz

Many people complain about frizzy hair, which often requires hair products to keep it under control. Whether you wear hair extensions or just want to care for your natural hair better, the use of a boar bristle hair brush can reduce frizz and eliminate the need for other styling products to do the job. This is due to the way the bristles disburse the natural oils of the hair.

Stimulates the Scalp

Nothing is better than a nice scalp massage, and one of the best ways to give yourself one is with a boar bristle brush. When these bristles move over your scalp, it can increase blood flow, which improves your hair health, and it can help you relax too.

Fewer Styling Products

No one likes to spend the money on excessive hair products, nor do they want to expose their hair to unnecessary chemicals. When you choose a boar bristle brush over another kind available in most stores, your hair will become healthier and will require fewer harsh products to style and keep it clean.

Wash Your Hair Less Often

Washing your hair frequently is a fairly recent trend. With the invention of the handheld hair dryer in the 1960s, women began washing their hair daily, rather than once a week. However, too much washing can cause damage to your hair. With the use of a boar bristle brush, you can reduce the number of times you must wash your hair. This is because the boar bristles prevent the buildup of oil on the scalp. With the right products, you can reduce your hair washing practices to once every two to five days.

Quality hair care is important to keep your hair looking its best. Using the right products for hair extensions or your typical hair is just one important step. In addition to hair care products, using the right brush is also essential. A boar bristle brush, for instance, can provide a number of benefits to enhance your hair care regimen.

If you’re looking for great hair care products, contact us. We carry everything you need to ensure your hair looks its best at all times.

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