Have you ever considered going pink? We don’t mean the bright cotton candy pink you remember from sci-fi films, anime and the early 2000s! This decade’s hair colors are all about subtlety, even unnatural shades. To prove this, we’d like to introduce you to 2016’s spin on pink hair: rosé. This new hair color is not only adorable, but just as smooth and versatile as the wine it’s named for. Here’s how you can make it your own!

As Highlights

Sometimes you really like a specific hair color but don’t want to commit to spreading it across your entire scalp. We understand! That’s why highlights were invented, after all. If you aren’t sure whether rosé hair is truly right for you, you can streak it through your hair as a cluster of flowery highlights. Rosé highlights look best with lighter hair colors, but with the right stylist, it can work for just about any hair color. If you’re feeling extremely experimental, you can instead try out your rosé backlights in the form of shiny hair extensions strewn strategically throughout your hair.

Full On

If you’re the especially bold type, why not dye your hair rosé outright? You may find you love this sunny shade of pink as much as we do! One of the best features of this particular hair color is its versatility. You can play around with the shade until you find a hue you’re comfortable with, whether it’s a frostier shade or closer to a golden blonde. You can even combine colors as:


That’s right, the ombre trend is still alive and well! This is another great alternative for those who don’t want to fully commit to rosé hair, but still want to enjoy the look. Simply visit your styling and ask him to combine the rosé color with any other you want, be it blonde, silver, lavender or some other hue. The choice is completely up to you! You can even make the rosé your top color and have it fade into something else, like a darker pink. Just be sure to reinforce your quality hair care routine to help the color stay!

Frosted Tips

This suggestion goes out to our guys out there, but can work for anyone! While you may have assumed frosted hair died in the early 2000s, this isn’t quite the truth. The rise of pastel hair colors has brought frosted hair back, and rosé has become part of this trend. We consider this look to be a unique way for guys (and people who prefer masculine haircuts) to join in on the fun.

White Rosé

Our final tip takes frosting to a new level. Keeping your rosé hair pale could yield a big surprise in the form of gorgeous, faded white hair, depending on the shade of rosé you chose. You can try this effect with your natural hair or with a wig (supplemented by wig shampoo and conditioner).

We hope you’ll consider giving this bubbly hair color a try in the near future. Whether you do or don’t, contact us for any help you may need with your hair care and style!