If you’re young and in your 20s or 30s, the last thing on your mind is baldness or hairline recession. However, the reality is age 25 is around the magic number when men might begin experiencing Male Pattern Baldness. This is when the hairline starts getting thinner at the forehead and slowly starts getting thinner toward the back of the head over the years. The good news is there are hair products for Remy hair designed to help you maintain your thick hair. You just have to monitor your hairline and take the appropriate steps before it’s too late. Consider these points regarding your hairline.

sulfate free shampoo

Balding Begins Earlier Than You Think

A slow receding hairline can begin in your mid-20s, but often isn’t noticeable until your late 30s or later. Most men are surprised to find out they need to be monitoring their hairline this early in life, but doing so could prevent baldness later on. While washing with a good sulfate free shampoo every night keeps your hair healthy and shiny, it won’t necessarily prevent balding since that’s a genetic condition. It’s never too early to pay attention to your hairline and take action as needed.

Identifying Signs of Hairline Recession

Since hairline recession is a slow and progressive process, it’s nearly impossible to notice on a day-to-day basis. Instead, it’s recommended to take a photo of your hairline occasionally and make comparisons. This doesn’t have to be a daily occurrence, but once every 3-4 months is usually enough time to notice some changes. If you notice your hairline is moving a little farther back on your head, it’s time to take a look at some quality hair care products to put a stop to it.

Speak With A Professional To Prevent Baldness

There are plenty of over-the-counter hair products for Remy hair to help prevent a receding hairline and potentially even grow the hair back in the area. Many of these are actually effective and recommended by professionals. However, it’s never a bad idea to speak with your hairstylist first about your receding hairline and get quality hair care suggestions. Most likely they will refer you to a dermatologist or other professional to ensure there isn’t an underlying concern you may not be aware of.

RemySoft wants everyone to have the same thick and luscious hair in their older years as they did in their younger days. Sometimes genetics gets in the way of this happening, but you can be proactive in at least delaying baldness by monitoring your hairline early in life. We’ve got the hair products for Remy hair to help you out, so feel free to contact us any time if you have any questions or concerns about your hair.