Sun damaged hair is common during the hot summer months. However, some people don’t even realize they are dealing with sun damaged hair. The first step in repairing your hair is to identify there’s a problem with it in the first place. Some people just think they have dry hair on certain days, but that could actually be a sign of a larger issue. Using the right quality hair care products can help prevent and repair sun damaged hair. Here are some things to keep in mind.

Leave-in conditionerHow Quickly Can Sun Damaged Hair Occur?

When it’s hot and humid outside, you could experience dry hair within minutes after walking outside of your house. When you’re in the direct sunlight, it doesn’t take much longer for it to cause problems with your hair. Everyone’s hair reacts differently to the sun and may be more sensitive than others, but sun damage can occur in less than an hour in most cases.

Preventing Sun Damaged Hair

Before we get into how to repair sun damaged hair, let’s discuss a little about how to prevent it from happening in the first place. When you know you’re going to be out in the sun, apply a leave-in conditioner to your hair the night before to help hydrate your hair as much as possible. There are also other sun protection products for your hair you can use, but the main goal is to keep it moisturized as much as possible prior to going out in the sun. When you are in the sun, keep your hair shaded whenever you can and spritz some water on it occasionally to keep it moisturized.

Dry hairWhat To Do If Your Hair Gets Sun Damaged

If you have sun damaged hair, you may notice the color has changed a bit, the texture isn’t quite right, you have split ends and it will look very frizzy overall. These are just some of the common characteristics of sun damaged hair. Depending on the severity of the damage, you may have to visit a salon to get some of your hair trimmed to promote healthy hair growth.

It’s important to have a strict quality hair care routine after your hair experiences sun damage. Keep it moisturized as much as possible by using a leave-in conditioner every night. If you keep a strict regimen using the right products, you’ll be able to repair your sun damaged hair.

At Remysoft, we want to help you prevent sun damaged and dry hair as much as possible. However, we understand it happens occasionally, so we can help with the repair process as well. Be sure to contact us at any time for recommendations on the best products to use for your hair.